National Route 6

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Active Member
Hi,new to the forum and its great,only discovered it last week(dont know how i missed it,been on bike forums for ages but its mostly american).
Anyway im going to carnforth tommorow for 3 days with the family and i will be very near NR6.My 9 year old son is taking his BMX and im wondering if this NR6 is ok for the road bike or to take my hybrid. I have read that a fair bit of Nr6 is traffic free(inc some tow paths)which will be great for me and my son but will the road bike be ok,what are the surfaces like on the traffic free stretches? I would prefer to take the road bike because i will get in some solo rides on the roads also.

Any advice most appreciated.


Like most Sustrans / NCN routes this is a mixture of canal paths, off road and on road with varying qualities. It can also be ridden with lass at some of the less "salubrious" areas. I rode this a few years ago on a recumbent with no issues.

All I would suggest is that a road bike may have insufficient grip with narrow slick tyres if there has been bad weather. The hybrid would be ideal.


Active Member
Thanks cunobelin,i think im gonna have to gently persuade the missus of the merits of taking both road bike and hybrid lol.



Ps,i have cycled around the silverdale/arnside area many times solo on the road routes but was just thinking of my boy and trying to stay away from traffic as much as possible.We will be staying at cote stones so if anyone knows any other good quality routes around there that would be great(as above pref traffic free first).
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