New forum: The Crank Arms

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The Crank Arms is a new sub-forum of the Café where us adults can talk a bit more freely about grown-up things.

It will be an inclusive, welcoming, and respectful place where we can discuss things in greater depth than in the Café (which is intentionally light and breezy). A relaxed, grown-up place, for those adults of the forum who prefer a pint or a whisky on occasion!!

The intention is to offer a broad scope of topics with lighter moderation (to give you a chance to sort out your differences yourselves). However, door staff will deal with anyone who is drunk and disorderly, and the Pub Landlord (Admin) will have the final say on what floats and what doesn't!!

It is only visible to patrons with 50+ posts and you will need to ask for access via the support forum.

Whilst it is intended for adults only, you should not take this to imply that anything goes. Racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic posts will be treated with the disdain they deserve and Admin will deal firmly with anyone who tries to tarnish the it!!

As The Crank Arms opens, the Politics and Life forum will be brought to a close. There will be one week's grace to conclude current P&L discussions, after which time it will be removed from view.

If you have 50+ posts and would like to access The Crank Arms, please make a request in the support forum.

Shaun :biggrin:


I've renamed the pub based on a suggestion from threebikesmcginty, lowered the entry limit to 50+ posts to make it accessible to more people, and removed the requirement to read the agreement (it's moderated like the rest of CC so no need to differentiate).

For entry, just ask on the support forum. :thumbsup:
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