NPower refunds.

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Legendary Member
I have just received a letter from NPower telling me I was overcharged to the sum of £45.52 in 2007. To get my money refunded, I have to take the letter to the Post Office within 6 months, taking with me 2 forms of identification; and then spend a considerable portion of the day in a queue.

Why can't they do what any reasonable company would do, and send a cheque? Or since I am an existing customer, credit my account with the money?

Cynical me suspects that the reason might just be that they hope people will bin the letter without reading it, or put it in a pile and forget about it, or just figure that the hassle of going to the PO isn't worth the amount refunded. In my case £45 is certainly worthy of a visit to the PO but they don't like to make life easy :wacko:.
You're lucky - ex customers get a letter telling them about the overpayment but then have to log onto their account to confirm identity and then ask for the payment letter to be sent to them (still hasn't arrived!).


New Member
The same old saying "You don't get owt for nowt" even the refund you have to do something thats a pain in the butt to get it.


Legendary Member
I also had a letter from Npower about 3 weeks ago, still had to go to the post office I got £47 :smile:


Ride It Like You Stole It!
About £53 here. Oh and I'll complete my switch from them in a couple of weeks. Way too pricey now.....
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