'OK' for car to hit cyclist outside cycle lane

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New Member
No, it's not a perfect merge, but to get it closer would take more time than I want to spend.


Same image, transparency of the overlayed image at 50%

I'll leave you all to draw your own conclusions from these images.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
That's a pretty good showing of a straight path by the cyclist for both proofs, from rootes and twiggy. It's about time folks stopped trying to claim this nonsense of an overtake or a deviation by the cyclist.

Mr Pig

New Member
jezhiggins said:
Video of approach to this pinch point

Great stuff, thank you.

The pinch point looks narrower on the video than it does on the still pictures. Although the cycle lane past the bollards isn't ideal I still think I'd use it.

Anyway, going round in circles here so I'm going to bail out. Only so much that can be said about something. See ya chaps :0)


Senior Member
Twiggy said:
No, it's not a perfect merge, but to get it closer would take more time than I want to spend.


Same image, transparency of the overlayed image at 50%

I'll leave you all to draw your own conclusions from these images.

yep good merge that, shows it more clearly then my images

shows the cyclist being on the left of the road lane when adjacent to the loading bay and then in the middle of the road lane after just at the point where the markings on the right of the lane are pushing the car driver to the left...

it is really the effect of poor road design, the cyclist for not moving to the left and the taxi driver for going for a gap that was a bit marginal..


New Member
no, I think they are trying to say that the road shrinks from the right hand side, meaning the cyclist was riding a straight line, but the road to the right of them shrunk.


New Member
sadly cases like this are refered to crown prosecution service (CPS) who look to see if it is in the public interest to prosecute, and of course to see if there is enough evidence to proceed. sadly most of the CPS are ill trained and unless the evidence is so overwhelming they will not proceed.

no matter what thoughts the officer in charge believes, leaving the poor OIC to have to pass on the bad news to the victim, and try and come up with a genuine reason rather than saying those CPS are too frightened as this one may be a little difficult.

i recommend forum members have a read of the book called "wasting police time" written by an officer fed up with the crap and red tape called the police service !!!

ps you will never guess what i do for a living :smile:


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
My final word on this (he says in earnest!) is that it doesn't really matter where the cyclist is in the road (he was far enough out to be owning the lane IMO) there is not enough room for the taxi and the cyclist to get through that pinch point at the same time, safely.... ergo the taxi should not have been attempting an overtake (and certainly not as crassly as he did!).

The Police in this instance need to grow some balls and use some common sense.


Senior Member
BentMikey said:
Let me get this right - you say the cyclist moved out, and that this contributed to the accident both legally and morally?

no - saying that poor road design has lead the cyclist from being on the left of the lane at one point to being in the middle later on...

it is natual to go in a straight line it is just the road dos not and quite abruptly.. meaning road users have to change direction abruptly as well

that is all...

traffic calming sucks
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