online buying/selling

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Rural Quebec
What is it about selling online that makes it such a shite experience - is it the anonymity?
Back in the day I bought and sold a number of bikes wheels tyres etc via Cycling or The Comic as it was known, is it because we were all cyclists or were people in general different back then but all my dealings were polite amicable and a good deal, I even made friends.
Compare that with today: I have a bike for sale on Kijiji which is a local offshoot of eBay, so far I have had two people phishing. one guy offered $15 dollars less than the asking price without seeing the bike, when I asked him if $15 was really a deal breaker our correspondence ended. The latest was a guy who was coming out to see it so I waited and - nothing - he emailed later to say that he was stuck in traffic but when I tried to rearrange he ignored me. So what is it?


She's the cats pajamas
County Durham
Flakey buyers are the worst! I had a girl hound me to collect items I had on ebay. I said no because of my work schedule, I knew I wouldn't be in. When she won them she kept at it and didn't pay. I contact ebay and got the sale cancelled and fees refunded but she left me nasty feedback. Ebay wouldn't remove it even tho the sale said no collection and that was her main complaint, that I wouldn't let her pick up the goods (that she never paid for). Never used Ebay since.

Best of luck with your sale, hope the right buyer comes through for you!
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