OOh I can relax now.

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After the last couple of years on, then off bikes, I decided to set a goal..........last year we managed about 500 miles in total, but that was down to the missus having a very iffy leg, so at Christmas time(ish) I said this year we will not blow ourselves out, but we will ride any time we could, now Eileen uses her bike for commuting if she isn't on silly split shifts............I cant use mine for silly reasons...........please don't ask as its another story:sad:
Anyway I have worked our mileage out, and at the time I set our yearly goal I thought anywhere between 1500 and 2000 miles would be an improvement, and I was thinking about Eileen's knee problem getting in the way so kept it at that.............so today, our total is 3 mile short of 3k............:eek:..........far more than I expected, and I can bet Eileen can add another 700 or 800 miles to her total..........that's in about 4 months, so should I now take things easy and relax, or do we carry on as we are and go for 12k in this year.............I want a new bike if we go for it...............and none of this carbon stuff, 853 retro should do it:thumbsup:

welsh dragon

Thanks but no thanks. I think I'll pass.
Well done dangermouse and babytiger. You've reached your goal, so why not just enjoy it instead of setting more goals. Who knows how many more miles you can do. Good luck.
That's fantastic! What an achievement, especially after a knee replacement.

2 SL in the same leg and both within 14 months, the first went horribly wrong and put her in a wheelchair and the surgeon and her doctors said that was it, her life confined to crutches and a wheelchair for the rest of her life, we had different views to their outcome, so we went to our GP who put us in touch with a surgeon at the Claremont hospital in Sheffield, the same surgeon who does all the work on pro team riders, he had some x rays to look at and said she would be riding within 6 months............absolutely top bloke, kept true to his word
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