RIP - Sir Michael Parkinson

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Legendary Member
I never really warmed to him.

I expect that bothered him sometimes.

Accy cyclist

Legendary Member
Whenever his chat shows are mentioned, I always think of his interview with 1930's child actor/singer Shirley Temple. We, as in brother, parents and grandparents were on holiday at the time, in Douglas Isle Of Man. It was a novelty in those days to see a colour television. Not only did the 'posh' hotel have a colour tv, but it was in a sort of mini cinema.

This is the hotel we stayed in. It was the year they built the Summer Land swimming/leisure complex, which we visited. Sadly it went up in flames the following year with many dying in the 'perspex' inspired building.
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Charming but somewhat feckless
Whenever his chat shows are mentioned, I always think of his interview with 1930's child actor/singer Shirley Temple. We, as in brother, parents and grandparents were on holiday at the time, in Douglas Isle Of Man. It was a novelty in those days to see a colour television. Not only did the 'posh' hotel have a colour tv, but it was in a sort of mini cinema with.

Thanks for that, I’d never seen that before. 👍


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
I expect that bothered him sometimes.
I shouldn't think so. Why should it?


Heavy Metal Fan
I watched him a number of times and thought he was great. Up until the piece with Meg Ryan where he came across as very rude and pretty much a bully. Lost respect for him after that


Firm and Fruity
I watched him a number of times and thought he was great. Up until the piece with Meg Ryan where he came across as very rude and pretty much a bully. Lost respect for him after that

He covers that episode in the documentary and admits that he behaved poorly. Although she was acting strangely.
He also covers his actions during a very poor taste interview with Helen Mirran, which was worse IMO.


Legendary Member
He didn’t please everybody. Helen Mirren has still not forgiven him for the interview in the 70s.

Once a Wheeler

…always a wheeler
Great broadcaster, sorry to see him go. Not being a fan of chat shows, my own memories of him are as a middle-of-the-road football commentator and a ghastly presenter of Desert Island Discs. However, another of his strong points was to find and stick to what he was really good at. An example which many might do well to follow.
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