Sexy Bicycles

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Senior Member
Sexy? Not in my books. Fugly and complete with marketing bollocks like this "With the coming of a new age in cycling, bicycles have moved beyond just being sporting equipment or a mere means of transport. They now represent a way of life and a statement of belief, with which comes a requirement for bicycles to suit this paradigm shift. That is, bicycles which do and say more than the average"means that my money won't be heading in their direction.


CC Neighbourhood Police Constable
I agree about the marketing bull, however, if it looks good, ride it. Whilst agree that building you own (anyone got a spare 23" Viking Severn Valley frame lying about?) is a cheaper more cost effective (sometimes) way of doing things. I like these because they won't appeal to everybody!
However it may be easier and cheaper to build a replica....than to by it on-line form OZ.


crappy member
South West
Not to my taste but if I had to pick a favourite it would be the Venus.

However, if you like them then that's fair enough. I get equally fed up of seeing these old 531 home builds!


Well-Known Member
If the Wavelength is that blinding in real life, I'd take one. If I could afford it. And I suspect some Photoshop might have pushed the contrast up a bit.


Legendary Member
Taste's a funny thing....that wavelength looks a total minger to me, tho' I do quite like the venus and the purist green.


New Member
patheticshark said:
I wouldn't ride one of them if you paid me.

I would.

Hell, I'd suit myself up in a matching luridly coloured full Lycra body glove if someone was going to give me cash (up front of course).
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