That was such fun

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Active Member
I said to SWMBO earlier on that I was nipping out for a quick blat on the bike.
I haven't been on the road bike for a couple of weeks and fancied a bit of that.

I have my wee favourite route and there's a hill I had been taking a detour around previously to avoid it.
Seeing as it was later and quieter, I had a go.
Much easier than I had anticipated.
Maybe, I'm also a wee bit better than I had expected as well.

Looped round to the turning point and and climbing in the opposite direction - my direction home - were a couple on bikes, out enjoying the fine scottish evening air.

I know, I didn't have to but I did.
Thing is, I was on a nice shiny new road bike and I was dressed in all the kit, it was kind of my duty.
They were on BSOs with oversized frames and knobblies. It was my duty to do what I did.
I mustered all of my pace together and poured it all onto the pedals, leaving just enough for a cheery "evening !" as I went past.
Now, these were nice people, and they too saw the funny side.
I would like to think that their really was a tiny little element of WTF ? in their voices as I whirred past with my freshly adjusted drivetrain making the barest of fuss as I glid past them.
Hopefully, my tiny little bit of pace and friendly greeting left them well about the whole experience of going out and enjoying being on a bike.

If I see them out again, I'll say hello - again. :thumbsup:

This weekend, I'll be back out on the canal again, enjoying squirrel racing and 11.xxmph.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Very good.....
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