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Flim Flormally
On Radio 7 at 17.30 this Friday:

The Young Postmen

Fridays at 5.30pm and 6am and then available to listen again for 7 days on the BBC iPlayer.

Surreal comedy series in which a trio of 'posties' get embroiled in unlikely escapades. In the first episode, Brian announces that they are going to save the Tour de France by coaxing French cycling superstar Bernard Hinault out of retirement.


Started young, and still going.
Alan H said:
On Radio 7 at 17.30 this Friday:

The Young Postmen

Fridays at 5.30pm and 6am and then available to listen again for 7 days on the BBC iPlayer.

Surreal comedy series in which a trio of 'posties' get embroiled in unlikely escapades. In the first episode, Brian announces that they are going to save the Tour de France by coaxing French cycling superstar Bernard Hinault out of retirement.

Good grief, I know that Lance is coming back, but Bernard as well:ohmy: After last years episode where Bernard jumped off the stage at the winners presentation and attacked a demonstrator, it should be a good story. I doubt whether his legendary punchups/temper will feature though. I will give it a listen.
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