What a laugh?

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New Member
It seems the only time cycling gets a mention on the main TV channels is if an accident or drugs are the reason.
On the BBC's News 24 channel sports report on Wednesday 18th, Feb, they chose to show a seven second clip from the ToCalif. where a rider, (unidentified of course!) fell from his machine in the middle of the peleton and was run over by several riders who were unable to avoid him!!
Oh, how the presenters laughed, "those silly cyclists in lycra who we would like to run over in our company cars performing again. My God if it isn't drugs, it's them unable to control their machines!!"
Maybe I'm becoming oversensitive, but am I the only one on the Forum who sees this constant ridicule being aimed at us for the mere fact we march to a different tune to the average punter?


Well-Known Member
There was a 'comedy film' a while back which had a trailer showing a cyclist being doored. That must have been one of the funniest bits of the film I suppose.

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