Winter kit - what's the happy medium?

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Active Member
ive tried every combination and at some point im always freezing when i stop ,

somebody said on tv (strathpuffer) warmest place tonight is on the bike , they werent wrong .
I've been waiting for the colder weather to see what its like as I only started cycling in April. Is it wrong I'm actually looking forward to the first proper frosty morning so I can try out the winter kit I've bought?


New Member
Wet weather aside it's all built on the base layer.

Fleecy long bib tights - Endura seem to offer the best bang for buck.

Base layer - Helly Hansen Lifa shirt with long sleeves or similar.

From that that it's a matter of layers to add or subtract which are a winter cycling jersey and a good packable shell such as Goretex Paclite.

If it's not raining or blowing a wind chill of minus degrees I will go for a fleece gillet on top of the jersey, it's all close fitting and non bulky.

If I am really going for it I find the breathable shell works best over bare skin so no base layer, you soon warm up.


Senior Member
Thanks guys, experimented with different layers today, and got to work slightly dampish from the smir, but nice and warm without being horrible and sweaty!


Über Member
Last winter I used Aldi long sleeve cycling jersey and Karrimore running tights with Ron Hill Hiz viz cycling jacket(light weight and wind proof) with Aldi winter socks, or cheap Hike socks of the market by me 10 pairs for a fiver also used Aldi winter gloves but I found they didn't to do well in the cold so brought some skiing gloves from Home Bargins for £2.99 they did the job. When it got really cold -0 I would wear light weight Peter Storm fleece top I have just to keep the chill of with out getting to hot and bothered.
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