Worried that I am going to crash...

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Fear of dying won't stop you dying - but it might stop you living.;)

Thank you everyone for your thoughts on this one! Really helpful to give me an idea of the frame of mind I need to take.

Loving my commute :smile:


Well-Known Member
A little hint that every motorcyclist knows: Assume everyone is blind, or they want to kill you.
I cycle mostly on quiet roads with no pavements, so often come up behind dog walkers, people pushing prams etc and I find giving a whistle from 25-50m a good way of judging how much room is needed to go past. And don't worry about crashing because you are more likely to, it's called target fixation and you will tense up, if there is a pothole, don't see it see the way past it.


Don't worry about crashing, if you crash you crash. I've got BC membership for two reasons, 1) discounts, 2) Insurance. I don't expect to need the latter, but I sure as hell use the former, and I more than save what it costs annually (£30ish) with the 10% off at various retailers.

If I have a crash which is my fault, I'm covered, but like other people have said, I ride defensively and assume people will pull out/step out etc into the road, and ride accordingly.

The biggest thing is that you've said you enjoy it, so keep doing it and keep having fun. Why deprive yourself just in case?


Don't worry about crashing, if you crash you crash. I've got BC membership for two reasons, 1) discounts, 2) Insurance. I don't expect to need the latter, but I sure as hell use the former, and I more than save what it costs annually (£30ish) with the 10% off at various retailers.

If I have a crash which is my fault, I'm covered, but like other people have said, I ride defensively and assume people will pull out/step out etc into the road, and ride accordingly.

The biggest thing is that you've said you enjoy it, so keep doing it and keep having fun. Why deprive yourself just in case?
Thanks for that :smile:
:eek: So I have started commuting to work between 3-5 days a week. My bike ride is around 12.2 miles each way and to be honest I really enjoy it.

After reading some of the beginner posts I am a little worried that I am going to crash. Both being crashed into by a car and crashing into a car.

Is there any advice to cover myself financially and mental in preparation for this? I kind of feel it is like a puncture, it may happen, but if your prepared then you will be fine. So what can I do in regards to crashes? :eek:

My bike isn't the worlds best, but it is good enough for me. Trek FX 7.3 2013 model. I love it and I can hit some good speeds when I want too :smile:

What can you do if you crash? Nothing, it will happen too quickly. Learn how to take the tumble, it helps if you relax as you're going down, it hurts less that way ( IME). Don't fret about crashing, it's just part of the game, no matter how much you try and analyse the ride you're on, you can bet that something ( or someone ) will do something so incredibly stupid, that even if you'd have thought it over for a year, you still couldn't have seen it coming. Just relax, do your rides, join an organisation like CTC ( or whatever they're called this week), or British Cycling ( for their included insurance / specialist advisors )and if you do take a tumble, deal with it as and when it happens. I do cover a fair few miles on my bike(s), and am therefore at an increased risk, from other people's stupidity / mechanical failures causing 'offs', or encountering something unexpected, that leads to a tumble, over someone who doesn't do the sorts of rides / riding that I do. In over thirty years of riding ( off road / MTB type, and Road type) I've only had four or five bad crashes, the others have been 'pick up and dust off then carry on'. Crashes happen, some are 'meh' some are:eek::B). But if you worry too much about them, you'll end up not riding much:thumbsup:.


What can you do if you crash? Nothing, it will happen too quickly. Learn how to take the tumble, it helps if you relax as you're going down, it hurts less that way ( IME). Don't fret about crashing, it's just part of the game, no matter how much you try and analyse the ride you're on, you can bet that something ( or someone ) will do something so incredibly stupid, that even if you'd have thought it over for a year, you still couldn't have seen it coming. Just relax, do your rides, join an organisation like CTC ( or whatever they're called this week), or British Cycling ( for their included insurance / specialist advisors )and if you do take a tumble, deal with it as and when it happens. I do cover a fair few miles on my bike(s), and am therefore at an increased risk, from other people's stupidity / mechanical failures causing 'offs', or encountering something unexpected, that leads to a tumble, over someone who doesn't do the sorts of rides / riding that I do. In over thirty years of riding ( off road / MTB type, and Road type) I've only had four or five bad crashes, the others have been 'pick up and dust off then carry on'. Crashes happen, some are 'meh' some are:eek::B). But if you worry too much about them, you'll end up not riding much:thumbsup:.
Spoken like a champ! Thanks :smile:
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