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Just call me Chris...
I've been very frustrated by my lack of miles recently.

I really want to do the commute by bike tomorrow but I always avoid it if it's going to be icey.

The route is 15miles over the North Downs on very wet, steep, moss covered roads.

The forecast overnight is -4oC. What would you experienced cyclists do?


Yes I can, Yes I am, Yes I did...Repeat.


It is just not worth i, one fall and you would be even worse off, t'is what the car is for, my journey is nowhere near as dangerous and I do occasionally take on the white stuff, but only occasionally.

Soon be spring

Panter said:
I've been very frustrated by my lack of miles recently.

I really want to do the commute by bike tomorrow but I always avoid it if it's going to be icey.

The route is 15miles over the North Downs on very wet, steep, moss covered roads.

The forecast overnight is -4oC. What would you experienced cyclists do?
I know how you're feeling I hate to miss commutes too but given the conditions you describe it just not worth it. Just one slip may put you off the bike for much longer than the wait for better weather.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I commute on mainly main roads - and I've taken the car a few times - as said one serious off could have you off the bike longer.

I usually check the road in the morning, then decide.


Just call me Chris...
fossyant said:
I commute on mainly main roads - and I've taken the car a few times - as said one serious off could have you off the bike longer.

I usually check the road in the morning, then decide.

The only trouble with that is that I live about 6' above sea level. The weather here bares absolutely no relation to the state of the North Downs at all. :tongue:
We've had it mild and dry here but at work it's been frozen roads and settling snow !

Thanks for the advice though, I didn't know if I was just being a wimp or not.

Hopefully next week will be more promising........


Agree with all above, i had to bite the bullet on monday and get the bus as the roads on my commute were far to icy, sat on the bus almost crying as i commute in all weathers but sometimes you just cant do it, made up for it today though with an extra 25 miles after work, always think the next day will be better.


Just call me Chris...
bhoyjim said:
Agree with all above, i had to bite the bullet on monday and get the bus as the roads on my commute were far to icy, sat on the bus almost crying as i commute in all weathers but sometimes you just cant do it, made up for it today though with an extra 25 miles after work, always think the next day will be better.

Fair play Sir :smile:

I had to make do with half an hour on the turbo :smile:
Fridays forecast is ice and sleet so that'll be out the window too.

Hopefully, they'll be a window of reasonable weather soon, maybe middle of August time......
What would you experienced cyclists do?

Older cyclists like me wouldn't bother with ice.No good getting injured as it would mean being off the bike possibly for a length of time.

I got called an idiot at work for cycling through the snow on that fateful Monday when no buses were running and it was not a very pleasant commute.
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