Your rear light is not working :-D

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LCpl Boiled Egg

Three word soundbite
I am frequently tempted to say to car drivers "your indicators aren't working"

"It's alright mate, I'm a taxi driver. I took the bulbs out in case I forget what I do for a living"


Marie Attoinette Fan
Half an hour after sunset to half hour before sunrise is "the hours of darkness" where motor vehicles have to have headlamps. The half hour between sunset and then is lighting up time, where vehicles only need sidelights and cyclists need lights.
Its a bit mis leading but I read
'These were the required times for showing all lights on all vehicles, including bicycles and horse-drawn carts, hence the name lighting-up time.'
to apply to bikes but as I said it doesn't really matter if its 30mins of 0mins before sunset, the latter just gives more time for my mate to remove his sunglasses :thumbsup:


Marie Attoinette Fan
Without trying to be provocative, I took it as comedic/ironic pedantry mirroring your self assured but nevertheless incorrect " what I should have said " diatribe in your original post.
I accepted that the law might be different from what I thought all it does is highlight the driver was even more rediculous comenting well over an hour before sunset but tbh I've got more pressing thing on my mind at the moment, so sorry if my reply is curt.


Here for rides.
Cycling back from a mate from training last evening, at circa 8:05pm a car slowed down to next to me,
"your rear light is not working!"
'I was tempted to say that's because its not switched on as it won't be sunset to 9:17pm and my lights come on a half hour before that in accordance with the law' (coincidently, being the sad person I am I'd looked before I left the flat).
Being non confrontational person I am though, I just replied "thanks" :rolleyes:
Nobber driver asserting his place in the hierarchy of nobbers.

Why thank someone for being a nobber, when saying nowt is even easier would be my thinking when offered "advice".
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