Gawd!! - we haven't half upset the Daily Mail havent we??....

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Über Member
I clicked one of those "Snow Bomb to hit UK, Big Freeze on its Way!!!" links earlier in the year.

This was similar because it started off with the usual hyperbole, but mixed in actual quotes from the Met Office, to a rather weird effect ...

The WHOLE country could be SNOWBOUND. Britons are WARNED to STOCKPILE supplies. According to a Met Office Spokesman: "Some light flurries of snow are expected on high ground".

I note the TV weather report map in lurid shades of red and orange nowadays, showing temperatures that aren’t particularly hot :-)


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
I note the TV weather report map in lurid shades of red and orange nowadays, showing temperatures that aren’t particularly hot :-)

And they never use the word "cold", even in the depths of winter. It's always "cooler temperatures". It wouldn't fit with their agenda if they admitted that sometimes it is good old fashioned COLD!


Legendary Member
Costa Clyde
The French right wing paper is Le Figaro but it’s not as anti-cyclist as British papers.

Possibly because most French people are pro cycling, therefore there is no bandwagon to be jumped on. Unlike your average "anti anything good for you" purple faced Brit, reading the DM while they sit in the McD's drive-thru queue in their uninsured BMW, smoking their fags paid for out of the latest child allowance payment. Cynical? Moi? YES!!
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I clicked one of those "Snow Bomb to hit UK, Big Freeze on its Way!!!" links earlier in the year.

This was similar because it started off with the usual hyperbole, but mixed in actual quotes from the Met Office, to a rather weird effect ...

The WHOLE country could be SNOWBOUND. Britons are WARNED to STOCKPILE supplies. According to a Met Office Spokesman: "Some light flurries of snow are expected on high ground".

To be fair - I find the Daily Express is a better place to find the whole "We are DOOMED" type headlines

I used to have a look every now and again and there was always an item on how a volcano somewhere was erupting (there is always one somewhere) and how it was only a few hundred/thousand miles from a potentila super volcano that could destoy the planet

or Snow will trap everyone in their homes starting tomorrow



Kilometre nibbler
ABC and El Mundo, maybe, but nothing as toxic as mail/sun/espress.

I read old copies of the Sun sometimes while waiting for my Chinese takeway to be prepared, and it's not as bad as the kind of stuff that I hear about from the Mail (mostly from outraged posters on here). Sure, it's got a strong political bias, but I'm generally surprised that it's not as toxic I expect.


I like steel bikes and I cannot lie..
It's a vile rag that ekes out an increasingly meagre existance fostering hate, bigotry and division in the atrophied brains of the hard-of-thinking.

Just ignore it, along with the rest of the MSM - it really is nasty, mind-rotting dross.
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Legendary Member
I didn't read it enough to notice

so I bow to your greater experience!
^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ ^_^

It was great. As politically adroit as the most sober broadsheets, albeit because the broadsheets are full of partisan sheet rather than any good reporting by The Sport.

Chuck in stories about knocking shops and improbable stories about statues of Elvis found on Mars and it was at least entertaining.

At least The Sport made no bones about the fact they're feeding you bull, unlike the tomes that pretend to take themselves more seriously. Sadly my custom alone was insufficient to save the paper.


Kilometre nibbler
Remember the bomber on the moon? A friend-of-a-friend was working on the Sport at the time and he used to regale us with tales of headlines that didn't quite make it. Unfortunately I can't remember any details as we were all ver' ver' drunk. Who knows, perhaps some of our stupid suggestions even made it in to print.

Well actually, that's not a B52 ...


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
Actually if the check the reader comments they are often quite supportive of cyclists as many are cyclists due to its popularity now.
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