Tea? (Part 1)

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Taking the biscuit
Blerghle. Mooooornin!

If you haven't already seen it there is a top picture of Arch & Shaun(Admin)on the CC jersey relay thread. One thing I noticed was Emperor Constantine has his sword in Arch's head:eek:!!

Tea ooop, tis too quite round here for my liking.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, you're in bloody Bristol aren't you?

Anyway, are you that keen on pictures of horses?

Alright then. Would you like to come with me tonight to the preview of the Stubbs exhibition?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
mickle said:
Erm... ooh pictures of horsees? *thinks* Um. Noo. I won't thankyouforasking, I'm a bit busy at the moment. And anyway, I'm in Bristol.

:thumbsdown: Fair enough...

Oh, I saw Spandex at the weekend, he seemed to still have as much hair as the last time I saw him....

Soggy down you way landslide? Not bad here - was quite nice first thing, when I detoured to the allotment with my compost caddy (it had got really full, due to me slacking a bit over the last few weekends). Clouded over now, I think we'll get the wet later. However, my onions are coming up! Hoorah. And I saw a wren and a thrush while I was there and I've got teeny tadpoles in the pond!


Rare Migrant
Aye, a dit damp...

This morning's attire progressed from shorts to tights to tights and overshoes and pretty much anything else to keep the weather out. A far cry from the ride home last night when I nearly overheated!

Good news on the allotment front!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
tdr1nka said:
So you're turning down an evening of equine, women and song?


I suppose you're busy as well, and will use the excuse of being 200 miles away?

At this rate, I'll have to snaffle wine and nibbles for two...

Oh, actaully....:thumbsdown:


Taking the biscuit
Just turned grim in London after a bright start, and we are supposed to be having a picnic protest in Parliment Sq. with the kids at 12!

Time for an anti rain dance everyone!



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, the star of the exhibition is Whistlejacket. Which is a life size painting....

I have a (non life size) poster of it up in my flat, which is why when a friend came by the tickets to the preview, he gave them to me...
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