Tea? (Part 1)

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Taking the biscuit
Wow! That must be awesome full size.

A friend who was a racing pundit for the Sun has a collection of equine sculpture mostly bronzes. He said the cost and aftercare of paintings scared the hell out of him. You only need dust a bronze.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
wafflycat said:
I've just made a large cauldron of leek & potato soup for lunch. Lovely with a sprinkling of cheese on top and accompanied by a chunk of mixed grain bread. Anyone want any?

Me me me! Please!

Mmm, it's just about lunchtime now I note...

Tdr1nka, if you click on that link, there's a zoom button, the picture is awesome really close up (closer than you'd ever get looking at it in a gallery, without a stepladder.) Especially the detail of the face and the eye.

Apparently when Stubbs was painting it, from life, the horse caught sight of it and thought it was another stallion and attacked it. Stubbs and the stable boy had to fend him off with brushes and things...


Senior Member
I see soup and artwork but no tea.;)

Someone help...neeeeed ttttttttttttteeee....


Vice Admiral
Renard, your dog Kati looks like she keeps changing colour? Is she now in her summer coat? She also looks (how can I put this diplomatically) a little plumper/rounded.

I think I remember you saying she gets five walks (shhh) a day, how do you fit that in with working and cycling?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Oh, and great soup, cheers, Waffles...

Miloat, have you looked under all the cushions? Where were you sitting when you had them last. Sometimes things fall out of pockets....
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