A 50 mile circuit from the Humber Bridge - August 17

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Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Members are invited to join me and @EasyPeez (Andy) for a 50 mile ride from the Humber Bridge.

The route will take in a Ray Lonsdale statue at Scunthorpe and the little suspension bridge at Horkstow.

Lonsdale is a former pit welder from the mining village of Hetton in County Durham who has forged a name for himself creating larger than life figures out of metal.

Andy and I have ridden to a few of his statues in my patch in the North East, and there's another one on the seafront at Scarborough.

The ride is a chance to chalk off the Lonsdale at Scunthorpe.

But don't worry about us going all Henry Moore on you, rock up, take a pic, and bowl on will be about the strength of it.

Andy, being local, is our road captain, and the pace will be that of the slowest rider - currently me.

The route has been designed to avoid climbing, but there's inevitably some near the bridge.

Going over the bridge from south to north always strikes me as a bit of a pull.

Refreshment is a key part of the ride.

Andy knows/has researched a few possibilities.

We will decide where to stop as we go along, but no one need fear going hungry or thirsty.

Start time will be 10am on Saturday, August 17, at the Humber Bridge visitor centre car park on the north side of the bridge.

Parking is free and has been safe during the several times I've used it.

There are public toilets in the car park, and often - but not always - a catering van.

Given the route is fairly flat, it might suit anyone who fancies a go at their first forum ride.

I think the regulars keep an eye on the threads, but I'm going to tag @Soltydog who lives a short distance up the coast, and could probably turn his ride into something a bit more challenging.

Also as an outside bet @Supersuperleeds who has family locally, and has been known to incorporate a ride in this area with one of his mega-miles weekends.

I've deliberately avoided looking for a pic of the Scunthorpe Lonsdale so as not to spoil the surprise, but as a taster, here's a link to Tommy, one of the first Lonsdales to go on public display.


The route:



@Pale Rider
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Legendary Member
Thanks for the invite, but I won’t be able to make it. Shame as I’ve been looking at doing a ride to that bridge


Legendary Member
near Hornsea
I think the regulars keep an eye on the threads, but I'm going to tag @Soltydog who lives a short distance up the coast, and could probably turn his ride into something a bit more challenging.

Cheers for the invite, but I'll be over in West Yorkshire that day :blush: Generally during the football season I'm either working or watching football. Would have been a great opportunity for me to get an imperial century in. Hope you have a great ride guys :okay:
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
With only a couple of days to go the weather forecast is looking decent.

Rain on Friday should clear to give a dry, sunny day on Saturday.

I'm combining the ride with a trip further south to see my endearing mother, so my presence is assured, whatever the weather.

A dry day would be welcome, having been thoroughly soaked during rides on that patch in the past.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
I've landed at the Humber Bridge Premier Inn.

It's chucking it down, as per the forecast, which is still saying fine and dry for tomorrow.

I swung by the bridge car park to check facilities, still free, although where the bait cabin was sited is now a semi-permanent building which looks like it may be offices.

There was a handful of tents in the wooded bit, and a couple of people around wearing hi-vis jackets.

I wonder if there's an event on tomorrow.

My packed programme tonight includes a pint of Uri Geller and a steak and chips dinner.

What an exciting life I lead.
Pale Rider

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Wind played a bigger part in the ride than any of us would have liked.

Very blustery crossing the Humber Bridge, although I suppose it is well exposed.

There was an event on, a charity multiple bridge crossing run/jog.

Some of them were going back and forth for 24 hours, others 36.

One crossing each way was enough for us.

More wind as we made our way to the little bridge at Horkstow, then on to Scunthorpe for our Lonsdale statue viewing.

Lunch was taken in what looked life a family run cafe/dining room.

Good value, simple food, and pleasant staff.

We looped back to Horkstow before taking on the next section of the ride.

Some pretty, well-to-do villages, including one which had our next bait stop in a stately home.

We were in a courtyard, reminiscent of Castle Howard, and there were peacocks wandering about.

Decent coffee and cakes, it was sunny by now which also meant we had several wasps for company.

There was a tailwind for the final section - I don't think I've ever been over the bridge as quickly.

Adrian's fears the ride might be too much for him proved unfounded, although there's no doubt he was proper poorly so he's done well to get riding again.

About 50 miles which was plenty for me in the windy conditions.


Great ride today despite the blustery wind doing its best to spoil it.

Made more enjoyable by Andy and Rob’s support and encouragement. I was really pleased that I was able to make the 50 miles as this is my longest distance since getting back on the bike. My legs are tired but in a good way!

Here’s a photo of the Ray Lonsdale sculpture in the centre of Scunthorpe


As Rob says, it was a very nice 2nd stop at Elsham Hall- one that we need to make a lunch stop on a future ride.

Well done to all of those walkers and runners competing in the HOTH event - linky:- http://www.hellonthehumber.com/rules-for-hell-on-the-humber-events/

Thanks again to Andy for organising and keeping us on track :thumbsup:


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