ah, kharma…

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nothing in moderation
got into work today and found the showers both in use. oh well, such is life.

anyway, over the door one of them is a towel of mine. i see it slide inward but make nowt of it, not knowing if its just fallen off or something. anyway, out comes the chap (whom i know well) and do the "that's my towel jamie" thing. to add insult to injury, he hadn't even bothered cycling in today (taking up shower space for those of us that did).:biggrin:

the towel in question should have gone back home in my rucksack last night (i always dry them even if they are dirty as they weigh less) as it had had several "sessions" this week. so "i dried my arse with that yesterday, hope you haven't wiped your face with it…"

and he won't hear the last of it around the office either ;)


New Member
When you get back from lunch return with a tube of cream. Disappear off to the toilet and return walking with a strange limp complaining about the fungal infection the Dr just diagnosed.
It's quite rare, but highly infectious to anyone whose had contact with your bottom. Sit down gingerly and make a phonecall to the OH and tell them how all the towels and bedsheets and your underpants have to be put on a boil wash to stop the infection spreading in the family.


alecstilleyedye said:
got into work today and found the showers both in use. oh well, such is life.

anyway, over the door one of them is a towel of mine. i see it slide inward but make nowt of it, not knowing if its just fallen off or something. anyway, out comes the chap (whom i know well) and do the "that's my towel jamie" thing. to add insult to injury, he hadn't even bothered cycling in today (taking up shower space for those of us that did).:biggrin:

the towel in question should have gone back home in my rucksack last night (i always dry them even if they are dirty as they weigh less) as it had had several "sessions" this week. so "i dried my arse with that yesterday, hope you haven't wiped your face with it…"

and he won't hear the last of it around the office either ;)



So what was his reaction when you told him it was your towel? Did he apologise? He should at least offer to wash it!

Reminds me of when I was in the changing room before a game of 5-a-side. A friend asked if he could have a swig from my bottle of mineral water cos he didn't trust the water from the taps in the changing room...after the swig I told him I'd filled it up from the tap round the corner.


nothing in moderation
no he didn't! i was also peeved that he was taking up shower space that the cyclists/runners could have been using when he could have just got ready at home.

he has been the butt of the office jokes (so i believe), such as unsolicited emails which link to the john lewis towels site. the final laugh will be mine, as i've borrowed the fuse from his hair straighteners ;)


Taking the biscuit
alecstilleyedye said:
....the final laugh will be mine, as i've borrowed the fuse from his hair straighteners ;)

Hair straighteners? At work? I see a possible use for warming your tea,or making very small toasties unless, of course, you work in a fashionable Hairdressers or Boutique.:biggrin:


nothing in moderation
an ad agency! it's a bit of standing joke that, despite only having short hair (with that sort of spiked pyramid look), he uses straighteners. hence the "revenge", as it is known that he'll moan all day if his hair isn't right.


New Member
Ok then.

So I got up late and all my gear was at work, so rather than smelling all day I bomb it in to work and shower. Using my towel as I thought, turns out it is someone else's, who happened to have purchased a similarly designed towel.

As far as straighteners go, yeh I use them, so do many young guys these days. Not as bad a crime to the fashion police as a 1980's ginger ponytail, imagine the embarrassing despair 'when your dad shows up at the school gates looking like Mick Hucknall in lycra'.

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