Annoying Spaniards.

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Legendary Member
I speak Spanish and lived amongst Spaniards while teaching English in Huelva for nearly a year. Having a pretty good experience of the Spanish character I think I'm qualified to say that I find them intensely irritating people, especially Spanish women who yak incessantly at high speed in a loud voice.

Alberto Contador is no different with his ridiculous pistol-aiming affectation. He looks an irritating little boy, probably in love with Mama like most Spanish men. His interviews are almost incomprehensible even to a Spanish speaker:


By contrast I love the French.


I wonder if they find you equally irritating? If so, I would hope that they're mature enough to realise that an irrational dislike of a personality quirk is not a good reason to tar an entire nation.


Über Member
South Norfolk
Haha - I couldn't stand any of my Spanish teachers, nor one of my flatmates on Erasmus (yakking incessantly at high speed in a loud voice sums her up nicely). Then of course there is Contador.

Strangely this dislike hasn't extended to any other nation!


Smutmaster General
I lived in Spain for 2.5 yrs, and I love all things Spanish, including yakking at high speed, and random groups of people clapping rhythmically on a night out, instead of getting bladdered and smashing each other's teeth in :laugh:
I had some romantic notion when I first went there that old men yakking in cafes were intensely discussing politics and the civil war... turns out, as I got to understand more, it was just the price of vegetables and complaining about youngsters :biggrin:
Meanwhile, on a Spanish cycling forum there's a chap talking about how Brits are all quiet, grumpy and bitter that they aren't getting enough.

Shall we start on the Germans next? :laugh:


Hello there
Chuffy said:
Shall we start on the Germans next? :biggrin:



Rigid Raider said:
I speak Spanish and lived amongst Spaniards while teaching English in Huelva for nearly a year. Having a pretty good experience of the Spanish character I think I'm qualified to say that I find them intensely irritating people, especially Spanish women who yak incessantly at high speed in a loud voice.

I bet they were glad to see the back of you too.

The Brit's reputation on the Costa del Sol, is, of course, without blemish [/irony].


Secret Lemonade Drinker
ilovebikes said:

Except one of them is Austrian!!!
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