Another pedestrian injured by cyclist

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The sooner they start licencing these things the better.

I read your post on a thread recently where a member was refused entry into the etape-loch-ness-2019 sportive because he wanted to ride an ebike. I think the mods have deleted this thread due to 'sniping' by you and others to the effect that ebikes on Sportives shouldn't be allowed. You said on this thread " I have nothing against ebikes" Your comments here and on many others threads I have read show me (and I hope many others) that you do indeed " have something against ebikes " I am thinking you feel a little 'threatened' by ebikes and consequently their riders. Bit sad really but you are not alone.
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An Peanut
Without prejudging any circumstances in the case, locally, for a while at least I used to see a fella on an ebike doing easy 30 mph, maybe more, it genuinely surprised me how much ground he was covering....silently. Anyone crossing the road absent mindedly hasn't got a chance of being pre warned and is going to get a hell of a hit off something travelling that fast. Stupidity, if nothing else, the brakes couldn't possibly be that effective at that speed.

I would argue the same is true for electric cars, although the stopping distance is even higher. It is inappropriate speed that is the problem.

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
It isn't the speed itself that is the problem. I often exceed 30mph on my leg powered pedal cycle, in fact, on almost every ride. I'm also a driver with considerable and varied experience and I consider myself to have adequate road hazard awareness which transfers nicely to my cycling.
I'm not advocating that only drivers should be allowed to cycle or that all cyclists should be licensed. In the natural order of things, for a cyclist to reach higher speeds normally takes one of two things.
  1. Fitness, which in turn infers a certain amount of experience on the rider, and an awareness of the speed due to the effort required to achieve it.
  2. Plummeting down a big hill, which again usually makes the rider acutely aware of the speed and risks.
Sitting an untrained, unlicensed person on an ebike that can achieve 30mph on the flat with no or very little effort from the rider is a recipe for disaster. The person will have very little awareness of the speed they are picking up and the difficulty of stopping or turning in an emergency.
15mph is plenty (about as fast as you can run). And if you do go faster then you need to be very focused on the risks and act appropriately.


The Glue that binds us together.
I read your post on a thread recently where a member was refused entry into the etape-loch-ness-2019 sportive because he wanted to ride an ebike. I think the mods have deleted this thread due to 'sniping' by you and others to the effect that ebikes on Sportives shouldn't be allowed. You said on this thread " I have nothing against ebikes" Your comments here and on many others threads I have read show me (and I hope many others) that you do indeed " have something against ebikes " I am thinking you feel a little 'threatened' by ebikes and consequently their riders. Bit sad really but you are not alone.
I have no problem with ebikes. But not for sportives mixed with normal bikes.
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Let's not get distracted from the main point here. The family of the deceased has suffered a terrible and probably avoidable loss. Had the rider been cycling within the law I suspect Ms Cihan would have survived.
Pretty much the crux of the matter.


I remember this incident a year ago and at the time i posted on this forum that i believed the bike was a powerful non road legal ebike. The rider fled from the scene of the accident and tried to take his bike with him, which is suspicious in itself. He then dumped the bike and from the pics of it it looked like a large hub motor, bigger than the legal 250w ones.

Pale Rider

Legendary Member
Let's not get distracted from the main point here. The family of the deceased has suffered a terrible and probably avoidable loss. Had the rider been cycling within the law I suspect Ms Cihan would have survived.

Possibly, although a heavy ebike at 12 or 14mph could cause significant injury.


The Glue that binds us together.
I read your post on a thread recently where a member was refused entry into the etape-loch-ness-2019 sportive because he wanted to ride an ebike. I think the mods have deleted this thread due to 'sniping' by you and others to the effect that ebikes on Sportives shouldn't be allowed. You said on this thread " I have nothing against ebikes" Your comments here and on many others threads I have read show me (and I hope many others) that you do indeed " have something against ebikes " I am thinking you feel a little 'threatened' by ebikes and consequently their riders. Bit sad really but you are not alone.
Can you explain being threatened by ebilkes. Why would I see them as a threat?

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
I'm not a slow rider. Just a couple of months ago, when riding home from work at 1am I collided with an intoxicated pedestrian that stepped from behind a parked vehicle straight into my path. I hit them at full speed with just a split second to react. I checked my GPS logs afterwards and I was travelling just under 20mph at the time. After discussing it we all walked/rode away from the incident relatively unscathed (though I bet he was sore when he woke/sobered up the next morning!)
Had I been barreling along near silently at 30+ mph on an ebike it could have been a very different outcome.
Leg power is fast enough and if they want to go faster then get a licence and insurance.


Okay, we've found the original thread. I've cut & paste the original statement to that thread. Can we carry on the discussion from there please.
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