Another Tipper Lorry Death.

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Legendary Member
Oh dear RIP condolence to family and friends

It is a pretty complicated terrible junction.

It does seem time to ban tipper lorries during morning and evening rush hours apart from special projects where drivers are given special training.


Active Member
here was me wanting to get my mum to get a bike, reconsidering that now.

Another young life tragically taken, RIP


Legendary Member

It is a pretty complicated terrible junction.

It does seem time to ban tipper lorries during morning and evening rush hours apart from special projects where drivers are given special training.

You mean to make it far more dangerous for those who cycle outside of rush hour by ensuring there are far more lorries on roads at those times?

Another fact is you are appearing to assume the truck drivers are to blame. Another solution people could argue is ban the cyclists at rush hour or as its 6/8 were female deaths, lets ban females from cycling. All unacceptable I presume. They are to me

A far more sensible approach is lets deal with the cause of the problem and not make knee jerk reactions to ban people. Not all tipper drivers are the problem, so why punish the whole class of drivers?
Well, most cyclists killed are by lorries in central London. They also feature high in the league of pedestrian deaths. They are also found to be disproportionally unroadworthy in recent random police stops. It is also deemed acceptable to run-over a cyclist in front of you claiming that it is not possible to see them in a lorry. It also appears to be the case you can be banned several times and still be employed to drive lorries.

I think it would be quite fair to say that the current situation is not safe and that greater restrictions be placed on lorries.

This should include removing pay-per-load, increasing points/fines for infringements, safer lorries (better visibility, sensors etc) and a more rigerous checking of history before keys are given out.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Almost 100 HGVs have been taken off roads in the Square Mile in the first month of a new unit to crack down on dangerous lorries.

The City of London police’s commercial vehicle unit, funded by Transport for London, stopped 136 vehicles in May and removed 95.
Do we have any idea how many of these HGVs were tippers or skips? I suspect that the vast majority were but haven't found the report in question.
You mean to make it far more dangerous for those who cycle outside of rush hour by ensuring there are far more lorries on roads at those times?

Another fact is you are appearing to assume the truck drivers are to blame. Another solution people could argue is ban the cyclists at rush hour or as its 6/8 were female deaths, lets ban females from cycling. All unacceptable I presume. They are to me

A far more sensible approach is lets deal with the cause of the problem and not make knee jerk reactions to ban people. Not all tipper drivers are the problem, so why punish the whole class of drivers?
I wasn't assuming that the drivers of the tipper lorries are always to blame at all. I never said such a thing. I fear that you are the one with the knee jerk reaction. In fact I have a certain problem with the name of the group Stop Killing Cyclists, particularly when they announce a die-in immediately after an unfortunate fatality, when the circumstances of the particular event can usually not then be known. If i were the innocent driver of a lorry i wouldn't want to be effectively branded a murderer.

But tipper lorries are inherently problematical and there are a massive number of prone cyclists on London's roads during the rush hour.
Do we have any idea how many of these HGVs were tippers or skips? I suspect that the vast majority were but haven't found the report in question.

Dunno, sorry, it's also not clear if they were targeted stops. Hope so, otherwise every twelfth HGV that overtakes London cyclists shouldn't be on the roads, which is terrifying.
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