Any binmen on the board????

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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
snakehips said:
All come round at different times , all block the streets causing congestion , anger , and waste of the planet's non-renewable carbon based energy resources.

No it is all those cars which cause congestion , anger , and waste of the planet's non-renewable carbon based energy resources. It is about time they were banned... :tongue:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
User76 said:
Arch you spelling is slipping as your rage increases!

But I have to disagree with you, it does take time and it does take effort to do the things required by the recyclers. You live on your own, produce little waste, and are in touch with the need for recycled stuff to be clean and neatly presented. Imagine if we asked you, just for a week or two, to live the other side of the fence. Chuck stuff in any old bag, don't rinse stuff through, read redtops, put it out for somenone else to sort. Your life would be easier, your metered water supply would be less, you would have more time to watch crap on tv. In short, your life would become easier.

As for the comment about newspapers, Arch, for all your talk of inclusiveness and equality, you really are a judgmental old snob aren't you?

So is yours....:tongue:

How does it take time and effort? I rinse tins and stuff with a cup full of water, or if they are more gungy I wash them up with my other washing up after dinner. I put them into one of three bags which sit in my recycling box, open and ready. It's the sort of basic shape-sorting skill my two year old nephew has mastered. Talking of which, my sister also manages to recycle considerately, with a small son and a partner.

As for my comment about newspapers, I'm just telling you what I see, in my own experience. If you want to find a street of paragons who read the Sun, go ahead.

I may be a judgmental old snob, but I'm generally a considerate, helpful, and clean judgemental old snob.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
snakehips said:
All come round at different times , all block the streets causing congestion , anger , and waste of the planet's non-renewable carbon based energy resources.

Actually, we use an electric van charged by wind and solar, or human powered trikes...


Über Member
I had a year of working the recycling round, at St Nicks were Arch works occasional. It's back braking work, first of all it's called Kerbside recycling, not hut for the f**king box in your garden, where ever you choose to put it. Nor is it put your recycling box out after the electric vehicule or maximus trike has gone by and whistle at the recycling team member like a dog, to come and retrieve it.

Dog and human poo, vomit wraped in newspaper, used condoms, nappies, dirty sanitary products and dead ducks can not be recycled.

If anyone would like to come and work for a week on the recycling round with my friends at St Nicks your welcome, come and find out what its like. Experience the delights of Etey Avenue, and the rest of Tang Hall.

Find out what its like to smell a rotting slug in a can of Carling, have stinking dirty germ infested water run down your leg. Put your hands in a box and find a needle. Its a lot of fun. On not to mention being threatened with having your face punched in. :tongue:


Well-Known Member
Arch said:
Actually, we use an electric van charged by wind and solar, or human powered trikes...

I am thrilled to hear that , and I did pick up the bit about human powered trikes in your previous post. It sounds like an appropriate way to carry out a recycling operation.
The waste of energy I referred to is that of other motor vehicles , some of which may be using the roads justifiably , which have to wait until these slow moving road blocks have moved down the road.



New Member
Our bins and recycling are done by the same contractor; they are a complete disgrace. Despite the lorries being equipped, they won't lift wheelie bins, so you are supposed to leave everything in black bags on the road (great for old folk with drives that). Which means every Tue morning the roads are covered in crap for miles where the foxes etc tear them up. Needless to say, they don't clear any of that up.

They won't reach into a wheelie bin to get anything, so they take the top two items and leave the rest.

Recycling is more or less random. What they take is anyone's guess - rather like finding your boxes again when they have finished. I often see them when I am walking back from the school run - they just throw/drop kick (literally) the stuff in the general direction of where they think it came from - if it lands in the hedge/road/someone else's garden then too bad.

We have all complained to the council of course; "We'll take it up with the contractors". Of course, nothing ever changes.

It really is emblematic of the state of public services.

Daily Mail down.

True though.
Saw a news item recently were a company was complaining about the Ports rates changes. What did the company do? Recycle metal by importing bales of drinks cans from Poland then make them into big aluminium ingots to ship to their customers in Germany! Waste of fuel doing all those miles is just unbelievable.


Über Member
bin men have to put up with people buying cheap bin bags that split when lifted, scattering crud over the floor, inconsiderate not to double bag things, don't you think?

Or my big pet peeve at the moment is putting the bins out too early, animals come along and rip the bags to shreds, leaving rubbish scattered everywhere. Bikepete and I use the alleyway quite a lot to get bikes in and out, other people don't, the mentality around here is that if its not in your back yard then is no longer your responsibility.

Also coming home from work once Bikepete gets hit from a flying bin bag, someone couldn't be arsed to open the gate so chucked the bags over the fence. Result a p**sed off Pete and rubbish scattered everywhere.

It takes a few seconds to be considerate towards others, bin men do a bloody good job around here and have to cope with a lot of flak, no wheele bins here. If you forget to put your bin out then its your problem, its impossible to jump over the walls here, I wouldn't expect them to do that anyway, they are not supermen.

A well sorted, clean recycling box takes a minute to sort rather than a badly sorted one which takes 5 minutes.


Gromit said:
dead ducks can not be recycled.

I have recycled a dead duck. They compost down just fine


I'm staggered to read people seriously suggesting that rinsing out tins and bottles is an imposition. Don't be so fricking selfish and lazy! It takes me a massively onerous 5 minutes per week to sort out the food waste, cardboard and recycling.

Our binmen sort out about 10 different types of recycling, and spend all day picking up heavy boxes. It seems to me that rather than examine our own wastefulness, we are all too quick to lay the blame elsewhere.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
User482 said:
I'm staggered to read people seriously suggesting that rinsing out tins and bottles is an imposition. Don't be so fricking selfish and lazy! It takes me a massively onerous 5 minutes per week to sort out the food waste, cardboard and recycling.

Well, of course, but how dare we suggest that people take any responsibility for the rubbish they generate. It just gets collected, dunnit?

If I didn't put rubbish in the recycling box, I'd have to empty my main kitchen bin much more often, so I reckon any time I spend walking the extra three paces to the box is saved anyway.

Our recycling in this country isn't ideal, that's for sure. Confused and inefficient, compared with other places I gather. For example, we smash bottles up, melt them down and remake them. In Sweden, you take your bottles back to a supermarket, collect a voucher deposit, and they get washed and reused, just like the old milk bottles. But even of it's not perfect, it's not hard to sort the stuff and be considerate.

What gets me is that the recycling Gromit and I collected isn't compulsory. People don't have to do it. So why do it half arsed? Why chuck a half full tin of stuff in the recycling box and put it out, instead of just not bothering?

And another thing... (I'll stop soon). Some people sort and bag, and that's great. Some just bung it all in loose, and it takes more time to sort, but you get quite fast at it. But some people put out separate bags in the box, each containing a mixture of stuff! So you have to check, tip it all out, and still sort it. What goes on in their heads?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Uncle Mort said:
Here you don't have much choice. You have to buy special bags for unsorted rubbish, and they cost a lot. You also get (far cheaper) bags for sorted recyclable rubbish. Given the choice of saving money, the vast majority of people choose to recycle. When it was completely voluntary, recycling rates were far lower.

That's the way to do it, but it would provoke revolution. Funny, how people who can't be bothered to do simple stuff can be bothered to get het up about it.


Über Member
lazy gits indeed - leave the bin in my drive so I cannot ge the car back in .... excpet for today when the car was on the drive when they collected.

not sure I see the logic in that.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'd really love to see some folk on here do the job day in, day out, and maintain these high standards they expect.


Legendary Member
You'd like coming to my house Arch. Round here they take glass bottles/jars, plastic bottles, tins/foil and paper. Mine is always pre-sorted into separate containers (even though they only gave us one box for it all), the squashable plastic bottles are squashed, the tops are off the glass bottles and the tins are always rinsed. I have been known to put a can with particularly stubborn shite inside through the dishwasher. The recycling men spend about 30 seconds outside my house.
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