Best looking car of all time.

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As long as I breathe, I attack.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
I very nearly added the 911 as in my view it has one of the most beautifully designed exteriors. Problem is, the bit that I find most appealing...and the bit most copied by other designers for decades, is the rear quarter panel and window.

And your hairdressers version doesn't have one of them, sorry.

'Sonly arf a porch innit

jonny jeez

Legendary Member

I had one of these, a 230SL from 1964. White with black top and tan leather upholstery. It was a brilliant looker but crap car to ride. It had zero power, guzzled petrol, made funny noises through the roof rubbers at speed and had drum brakes at the back that would lock up for the fun of it, bringing the tail around.

I sold it for its faults but still miss the look of it in my garage.
Proof positive that beauty is only skin deep.

Beautiful car though.
Loch side.
Proof positive that beauty is only skin deep.

Beautiful car though.
Yes, the car was riddled with faults. The drum brakes at the back were deadly. The bonnet and boot were aluminium and too soft for their own good. The steering wheel was off-center and angled. The gear lever had a throw of about two nautical miles. Mine was unfortunately a left hand drive in a right hand drive country. I couldn't live with it.

jonny jeez

Legendary Member
Bonkers yeah, awesome beast, but all those square edges.....?
Then perhaps sir would like to try the LP 400, designed with an altogether more "rounded" fit for the discerning driver.

Opposite ends of the countach soectrum.

I know what you mean though, for me the mix of a round belly and angular edges was captivating, it looked like a huge bulging muscle as it stalled, drove down the road.

Heavy clutch, orrid gearbox, no windows, unbearably hot to drive, impossible to reverse...and yet, utterly amazing.


Legendary Member
Love the DS but the SM is the one.


Forget the Citroen, I'll take the girl in the white dress.


Legendary Member
Bugatti Type 35

Citreon Light 15

Peugeot 205

Peugeot 504 Pininfarina Coupe

Seems to be a bit of a French thing going on here!
I do like cars from other nationalities too -
Opel Manta


Volvo P1800


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Oh dear, I hope you received the required counselling.

Well looking at some of the awful looking motors that some have posted on this thread I think my choice is the right one.
To be honest with you, I don't find any cars 'good looking', they all look the same to me.
How about, the Land Rover?
The Series 1 (1948-1958)
Born out of necessity, & a bit of mechanical espionage/'reverse engineering'/borrowing


The Range Rover (the original, & 'real' RR)
it basically 'kick-started' the craze for 4x4s in the city (SUV, or whatever you want to call them)
Still, I believe, the only car to exhibited in the Louvre Gallery (don't think even a DS has been in there, but I stand to be corrected)

As for cars, I'll go with

1. The AC Cobra 289
Unspeakably pretty, but goes like stink
Incredible performance for its time of production, only really eclipsed by its big brother - the 427 (held the Guiness Book of Records 'fastest accelerating road legal car, for quite a few years

2. McLaren F1
The ultimate supercar of its day, useable, tractable, phenomenally fast, logically thought out
Ridiculously expensive (but didn't McLaren still lose money on every one?)


For me, without a doubt, the Citroen DS. If I had the money, I would buy one, preferably in blue.
I sometimes ride past one, up at Horsforth, yes a beautiful car

TR7. It was the only car I ever wanted when I was a kid
There's a V8 engined red one near me, it's sounds great (reminds me of the days of the works rally team)

As soon as I saw the thread title i was prepared for the usual E Type cliché comments. What is it with that car? I just. Do. Not. Get. The appeal. The soft top I can sort of see it but the coupe is positively ugly.
Series 1 is nice, but the Series 3 (V12), now that looked like a greenhouse on wheels, ruined for the American market. Damn Yankees!!!!

having only ever owned one car and never getting my licence it has to be my green lada riva estate, this is a stock pic as mine was greener.

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I like the estates, & would also be very happy with a Skoda Rapid S110
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