Boardman re-branding and new range of bikes

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No, no, no to the road bikes. Over bloated frames, fugly forks, over graphic'ed, over rim'ed, fugly things. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I know but I've feel I've got a splinter in my eye looking at them.

Yes, all a bit garish for me. I'm not keen on the oversized framework either. I was under the impression we were in a period where understated was la moda, no?


Formerly known as Speedfreak
Yes, all a bit garish for me. I'm not keen on the oversized framework either. I was under the impression we were in a period where understated was la moda, no?
Probably in the minority and get flamed for saying it but I think a lot of modern frames, tt ones especially - are properly fugly.
I find myself often looking at steel frame bikes purely for the simple, clean lines.
Mtbs on the other hand I think suit 'chunkier' style tubing, gives them a more rugged ready for anything look.


Well-Known Member
bumped into chris boardman couple of years back riding an old railway cutting on the wirral,only briefly he was going the other way on his own,just a simple nod of the head and a "morning boys"..he was going for it too! down on the drops.face mudded,snot...the lot...good lad:okay:


When you're dead, you're dead
It's not about the bike, it's 'brand building'. It's all about reassuring you that [Boardman] are "out there with you".
This sounds like bollocks, however it is a well trodden path in Marketing. Especially when relaunching the brand, as Boardman are in this instance. The website hosts the sexy close-up pictures of the bikes alongside the technical details.

Or you're right and it's just bollocks. The bikes look bloody good though.
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Music is annoying, just repeating for such a long advert. Other than that, it's a good rebrand.

Must admit, I really liked the Boardman range at Halfords for a few years before deciding to get a road bike for myself. By that time, they were rather dull compared to other offerings and weren't as competitively priced as they once were.

From what can be seen in the video, they all look appealing again. Certainly wouldn't write off ever owning one.

Quite like the logo. Suggests speed and aerodynamic to me. There are always ligo's out there that are similar, no matter what gets designed these days.
I have had two Boardmans now. I had an Alu framed, 105 groupset Road Comp that I never had one single problem with. I only sold it very recently due to sit there doing nothing after I bought then current full carbon SLR 9.4 elite, SRAM Red throughout, Mavic Cosmic etc. Awesome bike.

However I agree at the higher end there are a lots of excellent competitors all striving to open our wallets. I do think the new range looks very sexy though. I am seriously tempted to look at the new SLR Endurance Disk come bonus time in March... View attachment 111321
You sure it's black enough?


This just goes to show how we humans are sucked in by advertising. To me, like most advertising, its utter bollicks. Rebranding ?...who cares, its a bike, made or designed by the same company, just a new design. Russell Hobbs dont claim rebranding just cos they release a new toaster.
FFS, advertising, its just words, it means nothing.
And yet, I know we all do get sucked in, I enjoy what I think are good adverts, so im just as bad.

Hip Priest

This just goes to show how we humans are sucked in by advertising. To me, like most advertising, its utter bollicks. Rebranding ?...who cares, its a bike, made or designed by the same company, just a new design. Russell Hobbs dont claim rebranding just cos they release a new toaster.
FFS, advertising, its just words, it means nothing.
And yet, I know we all do get sucked in, I enjoy what I think are good adverts, so im just as bad.

I'm afraid even Russell Hobbs are at it.


In between here and there
Reminds me a bit of this, a 2011 bike but pretty distinctive Devinci colours

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