Can cars ever be trusted?

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South Tyneside
Lower speed limits certainly help but the existance of both sleeping policemen and fast increasing car insurance premiums tells us nothing has changed.

Will it ever be different when the war on cycling is mainly there to deflect from far bigger issues?


Legendary Member
What are you blathering on about?


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
You can trust that what you'll never get rid of is the entitlement of car owners.
Is there a war on cycling? Quite the opposite I'd of have thought. This and the ever increasing cost of car ownership ( congestion charges, fuel cost and insurance) is what is getting up the noses of the motoring public.
So I'd say a lot is changing and has changed.
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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
is what is getting up the noses of the motoring public.

What’s getting up everyone’s nose is the pollution from all these bloody cars spreading like viruses.


Cars are lumps of metal, plastic and glass. As an object you cannot use the idea of trust wrt actions.

Can we stop using car when we should be using terms for the human operator of the car. Cars don't kill, people driving them do!

In the recent thread it was a cyclist that killed a pedestrian not the bicycle. In similar threads involving cars it is the car that killed them. There's no parity in description there where in all fairness there should be.

Either bicycles and cars kill or cyclists and motorists. If the OP wants to make more sense perhaps rephrase things along these lines, namely a human does the action the cycle or car is just the tool to do it in or on.
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