Can only buy 2 pain relief things in one purchase at Tesco's

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Resting in suspended Animation
wafflycat said:
Morrisons did this with Mr Wafflycat, age 60, recently when he was buying some beers with Wafflycat Minor in attendance, even though WC Mnr is going on 21, doesn't look under 18 and had his university photo ID with him. Apparently that wasn't good enough ID and the official line is.. wait for it... they can't guarantee that the alcohol bought in their should would not be served to a minor. That is Morrisons official HQ line - I have it in writing. I look forward to the day when Morrisons stop selling any alcohol as it simply cannot be guaranteed that any alcohol sale that is made does not end up with a minor. They are still selling alcohol to adults accompanied by children in my local Morrisons though.... I think it is if they don't like your face. Bunch of w4nk3r5 :biggrin:

So that's Tescos and Morrisons to avoid whenever possible.

Copies of these two stories have been in national newspapers.

I once saw someone arguing in Jacksons about yergotanyid with the staff. They couldn't add up and was convinced they were 17, to the increased frustration of the ever lengthening queue.

I think it's 30 in some Tescos now ;).


New Member
I hate it. It's the effective assumption that you have to prove you are up to no good and it's up to you to prove your 'innocence'. I loathe it with a vengeance.


Lawrence, NSW
Come to North Lanarkshire. As long as you can walk and talk, you can have as much Bucky as you like.:ohmy:

Nae need to visit supermarkets for that poncy French and Italian stuff.:tongue:
wafflycat said:
I hate it. It's the effective assumption that you have to prove you are up to no good and it's up to you to prove your 'innocence'. I loathe it with a vengeance.

That brings to mind, a visit to Safeway a few years ago.

I had just finished work and was in uniform (im a firefighter), my wife had asked me to pick up some drink on the way home. I get to the checkout with my bottles only to be told that they would not serve me as I was in uniform. The assumption was that I was drinking on duty (something I have never or will never do). Suitably irrate and feeling somewhat embarrassed (large queue had formed behind me), I asked to see the manager who I gave a piece of my mind. Never got the alcohol but felt a little better.


New Member
I got really really angry with an air stewardess one afternoon, when she flatly refused to give me more gins and tonic. Said I'd had "quite enough".

Cheeky jumped up cow. Told her that I'd been flying for 15 years, was perfectly familiar with the approach to the airfield, had never had a crash, and not a single one of the passengers had complained that I was slurring my words over the PA....


New Member
User76 said:
I think Waffly and others are going too over the top about age and quantity of products purchased. Only being able to buy two analgesic products is fine by me. In fact, I would make it one per day. Are you seriously suggesting that you would need 32 paracetamol in one go? Thats 4 days worth, now unless you are going to Outer Mongolia, I would suggest you are never more than 3 days away from a paracetamol vendor! One or two days at the most is all you really need.

Of course not! It's not even been inferred! But what is wrong with being treated like an adult, capable of buying something without the primary assumption of the retailer you are buying it from that you are up to no good? That's the real problem here. If you really wanted to top yourself, there's nothing stopping you doing it anyhow.. just buy a couple of packets from Morrisons.. pop along to Tesco buy another couple more... then pop into a chemist.. the corner shop..

Just what is wrong with wanting to buy more and then not buy again for some time? Nothing - that's what. But it is completely wrong to assume that we are incapable of acting sensibly with our purchases - and that's what is happening now - we are being treated as children, not adults.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Thing is, daft as it may seem, it's not the stores that are to blame. If they (the stores) get caught selling booze to under age folk, then they are in for heafty fines. Same with the pills, sell too many, someone dies, shop get's sued 'cos it sold them, not the person who overdosed.....

Crazy, but it's all about minimising risk to the company, especially in this blame culture and ambulance chasing attitude people have these days.


Cycling in the sun
I did say I could see the point - but when it was kids medicines ... and one is a cough medicine rather than pain killers. Plus it would be nice in the store if there was a sign up on the shelves telling you about that policy.


New Member
fossyant said:
Thing is, daft as it may seem, it's not the stores that are to blame. If they (the stores) get caught selling booze to under age folk, then they are in for heafty fines. Same with the pills, sell too many, someone dies, shop get's sued 'cos it sold them, not the person who overdosed.....

Crazy, but it's all about minimising risk to the company, especially in this blame culture and ambulance chasing attitude people have these days.

Indeed, but the legislation referrs to paracetamol specifically. It does *not* refer to cough mixture, decongestants... the stores are extending the 'ban' to cover medicines that are not covered by the legislation, so in that respect they are being over-zealous.

And the mentality that the stores are to blame if someone tops themself is flawed. After all, if someone decides to top his/herself by getting in their car and driving on to a rail line, we don't blame the Ford dealership for selling them the Mondeo, or Railtrack for having the line there..


New Member
User3143;823753][quote=wafflycat said:
Of course not! It's not even been inferred! But what is wrong with being treated like an adult, capable of buying something without the primary assumption of the retailer you are buying it from that you are up to no good? That's the real problem here. If you really wanted to top yourself, there's nothing stopping you doing it anyhow.. just buy a couple of packets from Morrisons.. pop along to Tesco buy another couple more... then pop into a chemist.. the corner shop..

Just what is wrong with wanting to buy more and then not buy again for some time? Nothing - that's what. But it is completely wrong to assume that we are incapable of acting sensibly with our purchases - and that's what is happening now - we are being treated as children, not adults.[/quote]

Why would you though? Have 10 packs (for example) of paracetamol in the cupboard? Seen as ODing is a common and very painful way of commiting suicide I think it is only right and morally responsible that the supermarkets should be seen to do something.

The fact that you think they are treating you like a child and not as an adult is merely your interpretation of the situation.

I'll give you an example of a situation I was in. I went through a phase of almost a year where I was virtually bedridden due to a chronic illness. I had days/weeks where I literally could not get out of bed. Sometimes, if I was lucky, I had times where if I got some paracetamol & codeine in my system, I could just about crawl out of bed to make it to the bathroom. And before you say 'should have gone to the doctor' I did, but after many visits was told that my chronic condition was one where 'I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do for you.' And would the doc give me any strong pain relief? No. On the grounds that 'You'll become addicted' well, if I really wanted to risk that, it's entirely possible to get the really strong stuff on many a street corner these days, but I had no interest in that at all. But as far as the doc was concerned, he had no interest in helping me solve my chronic illness. Luckily this was at a time where Boots would supply a box of 100 paracetamol & codeine over the counter. On a good day, if I could get out, I would buy one of these - not because I wanted to top myself, not because I wanted to 'hoarde' medicine, but simply because I was not certain when I'd be in a fit enough state to get out of bed again. I never OD'd on them, I never took more than the daily limit and I'd go days without to try to avoid building up tolerance and potential addiction to painkillers. Funnily enough, docs can't always cure everything, sometimes can't be arsed to sort out pain if there's not blood spurting out, and if we are in a position where more than 32 tablets are needed it's not because we want to be stupid with them. The debilitating illness I had back then is something I would only wish on my worst enemy. Am I addicted to painkillers now? No. Do I hoarde painkillers? No. Can I act like an adult as regards use of painkillers? Yes.


New Member
Great - let's legislate for the well shall we? Sod the elderly, those with mobility issues, those who live miles from anywhere you can buy these things and all the rest of it. They can just shift their lazy arses down to the Spar as many times as we see fit, for the benefit of tw@ts and pointless regulation.

Good old modern Britain - makes you proud doesn't it.


Oldest Teenager In Town
Nr Bath
Mrs Speck works on Customer Services at Sainsbury's, if she, or one of her
colleagues sells booze or fags to an under-age customer then, she and Sainsbury's will each be fined and will have a Police Record. Something like a £5,000 fine + her job.

She wears a badge: Under 21? I've got to ask for ID It's my job.
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