Can only buy 2 pain relief things in one purchase at Tesco's

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New Member
User76 said:
I think Waffly and others are going too over the top about age and quantity of products purchased. Only being able to buy two analgesic products is fine by me. In fact, I would make it one per day.

User3143 said:
I think you are a bit melodramatic. It's not and will never will be like that.

Clearly you don't have any elderly relatives living alone in the remoter parts of our piss poor transport system.


New Member
Sainsbury's have brought in the under-25 ID scheme now.


Oldest Teenager In Town
Nr Bath
wafflycat said:
Sainsbury's have brought in the under-25 ID scheme now.

Probably, there are so many different badges around the house, James Bond, Harry Potter, etc :laugh:

Jonathan M

New Member
summerdays said:
I did say I could see the point - but when it was kids medicines ... and one is a cough medicine rather than pain killers. Plus it would be nice in the store if there was a sign up on the shelves telling you about that policy.

I'd have saved your money on the cough med. They don't work, honey is just as effective, unless you go down the codeine linctus route and if a childs cough is that bad, they really need to be seen medically. In 20 years of childrens nursing I've administered cough linctus maybe half a dozen times, it is just not used. GP' may advise or preswcribe it, but often that is just to treat parental anxiety, and for the placebo effect (on the parent) of feeling that they are doing something.

OK, the link is the daily mash, but the research they qoute has been done


Cycling in the sun
Oh believe me I treat my own cough's with honey and whiskey - but one of my children will go for the placebo effect - which with kids can be important to look like you are doing something. And I used to be able to get a really good cough medicine called Dimotane? (I think it contained codine) which they took off the market but used to control the types of cough's I got really well - never found anything else that works like that did to suppress a night time cough.


Legendary Member
NE England
My local chemists only sell paracetamol in 32s and only one of them at a time. I used to buy them in 100s for my Arthritis as I can't take Asprin or Ibuprofen.

Now as I understand it the lethal dose is around 16 tablets at one go, you don't die immediately but various organs shut down and you die a few weeks later if you do not receive early medical help.

But within five miles there are some 7 or 8 chemists. So in an hour or so I can buy enough lethal doses to see of a fair sized family, if I was bent on self, or any other kind of, destruction. The logic that allowing double the lethal dose to be sold in one go but no more is perverse.


New Member
IIRC, and no doubt some EU medical type can tell me if I'm wrong, at the time discussion was being had over here about limiting the number of paracetamols to be sold, it was mentioned that in verious other countries in Europe, paractetmol was sold with the antedote to paracetamol poisoning also contained in the tablet, so the medication was made safer to stop liver poisoning occuring in the case of OD, so why couldn't that happen over here? Medical types care to enlighten?


Cycling in the sun
Oh - I've never heard of that - it sounds a good idea.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
addictfreak said:
Nothing to do with medication, but still the same mentality. Im 47 (and I look it) and was asked for ID in Asda when I bought a bottle of wine!
I asked if she was joking, she was'nt. Fortunately I had the right money in my hand which I deposited on the counter and walked out complete with wine.

Fully understand the need for these rules, but why cant they be applied by people with commonsense.

I suspect it's because people feel a greater need to cover their backs than apply commonsense - in a rather less important issue, I find it hilarious, but also annoying, when the assistants on the tills have to parrot the "Would you like any help packing?" line, even if I only have two items and a bag of my own ready and open. Presumably, if they failed to ask and a mystery shopper heard them, they'd be in trouble.

My worry about the age for alcohol thing is that I'd be hopeless at telling whether someone was under 18, maybe even 21. Especially having met Piemaster's amazingly tall 13 year old son at the weekend.

With regard to ODing, if someone really wants to, they'll find a way. I really don't know if the rules as they stand would stop the determined. I suppose they might stop the less determined cry-for-helper, but I don't know. Presumably, in a big store, you could just go round a few times and choose a different checkout each time.
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