Christ! How crap is Lily Allen?

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Legendary Member
Being ancient (48 1/2) I've only recently come across Lily Allen and I think she's great. I like the music, I like her singing voice - ok, not strong, but distinctive and full of character...strong isn't the be all & end all in singing - and I think her lyrics are full of wit and intelligence. So there.

(I don't know if she has a fat arse.)
yello said:
Has Ms Allen really got a fat arse?

No Keith is quite thin but I agree with the rest.


That's nothing. Daniel and Natasha Bedingfield sang a duet at a wedding I was at!!

That is very impressive - any story behind it?

Unfortunately the Sussex judges have awarded - 9.75 out of 10 for the Bedingfields (can't stand him)
Mark E Smith - 9.95 out of 10
Norwegian entry - null points


New Member
mangaman said:
That is very impressive - any story behind it?

Yes, essentially it's a Civic/Christian ceremony denoting the spiritual and/or legal joining of two people in a state of marriage. Originating from pagan rites in the early 13th C, the ceremony has now evolved to invoke certain principles of....


Bigtwin said:
Yes, essentially it's a Civic/Christian ceremony denoting the spiritual and/or legal joining of two people in a state of marriage. Originating from pagan rites in the early 13th C, the ceremony has now evolved to invoke certain principles of....


Thanks Bigtwin. That probably explains why I'm always getting thrown out of them.

I just thought they were an excuse for a piss up :biggrin: (even in the church) :laugh:


Not that impressive really. I knew the family when I lived in London. One of the girls I lived with got married and asked them to sing at the wedding. Before they were famous.

That's interesting though - must have been nice

Did they sound good?


I'm sure that they were better than the average wedding music combo or crappy disco!

Still - The Fall playing at your wedding - I'm waiting RT's reply if he sees this.

In my warped mind maybe the best band ever
Uncle Mort said:
That's nice. Who are they?

Daniel Bedingfield sings like a pre-pubescent-balls-not-dropped-yet-whiney-proto-UK-garage-dweeb.
Natasha Bedingfield sings like a foghorn that has a sore throat with awful lyrics and fake-teenage-youtube-wannabe-bedroom synthesised string backing.

Both are bloody awful. And they're related.
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