Did man land on the moon?

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Resting in suspended Animation
Oh yeah I forgot, it gets tired. Gravity gets knackered just like light does. If you played golf on the Moon it wouldn't work and would be more like crazy golf as the ball would keep on going and going and go through all the holes in the cheese. It'd be damn confusing. One also has to look out for space slugs in asteroids or in large caves on moons. Russians moon inhabitants keep them as pets.


You are making a mockery of this conspiracy.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
They went to the moon and the world did and still can watch the footage covering the event. Journalists and the media have to think up something to earn a living, the sad thing is many fall into the trap of believing them, as happens quite often in cycling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Member
They landed on the moon and even opened a nihtclub there....but had to close it cos there was no atmosphere...


New Member
Mr Phoebus said:
There is gravity, it's just lower than Earth's. (beaten to it)

Astronauts really have played golf on the moon.

On the return drive from Italy many moons (hahahaha) ago, Family Wafflycat stopped off here as we had plenty of time left before needing to be at the coast for the Channel crossing. Great fun. One of the items I remember was a little display telling you how much you'd 'weigh' on the different planets. On Jupiter I need to lose even more weight than I do on Earth. Mind you, on the moon I was acceptable :biggrin:


New Member
Uncle Mort said:
But the bad news is your mass would remain the same :biggrin:

Well yes, I know that.

Weight = gravitational force on an object.
Mass = amount of matter in an object.

In very simple terms.


New Member
It's amazing that some people still believe the old myth about man not landing on the moon and it all being staged in the desert. To those of us in the know that story was manufactured by NASA to deflect attention from the fact that remains of an ancient, vastly advanced civilisation that was found on the moon by the Apollo astronauts, and of which further evidence was later found on Mars, including a huge human face carved on the Martian surface and clear evidence of large Martian cities.

All this is superbly explained in a book called 'Dark Mission - the Secret History of NASA' by Richard Hoagland. I borrowed this new book from Trafford Libraries, which only seem to buy about 3 new books per year. This book is obviously of such shattering importance that Trafford Council thought it should buy a copy on our behalf.

Mr Phoebus

New Member
The landings were done in the 'Cold War' times.
If they were faked, the Russians would easily have discredited them.

Unless the CIA paid them vast sums to STFU. :biggrin:

Graham O

New Member
I'm interested in the OP about the landings being done on the side of the moon facing away from the Earth. I haven't heard that one before. Where did that information come from?

I ask because from my garden I can see where the landings happened and hopefully this winter will bounce a laser off the reflector.


One of the landings was supposedly on The Sea of Tranquility. This is on the near side of the moon, so should be visible with a powerful enough telelscope.
It would be a very difficult thing to fake convincingly, especially back then. Anything to do with space is. (Remember Blake's 7?...).

Thinking of Apollo 13 (the movie), the most realistic sequences of weightlessness were those where they really were weightless, having taken the film unit onto an aircraft and flown parabolic curves to achieve 30 seconds or so at a time. The other 'weightless' scenes pale by comparison. And even then, you sometimes got the feeling the behaviour of the droplets of drink (for example) is a little erratic, and that the actors were having to cram a lot of activity into those 30 seconds each time, whereas the actual astronauts would have been in no rush.

The most disappointing thing about the original moon landing is the quality of the black and white tv pictures. Given that it was an astonishing achievement to get any live tv at all from that distance, the ghostly nature of the images kind of unfortunately played into the hands of the doubters. The quality of the still images still takes my breath away though.
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