Does the Met office know anything?

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
Each day is independent of the next surely? Wouldn't it be the case that on one day out of a 100 locations 5 would have rain?

Which 100 locations would you picks? North Pole…


Stubborn git
That was a bit of a freak downpour though. Nipped in Aldi and it was dry, came out and the roads were flooded. Went to my parents who are only a few miles away and it was still dry :blink:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Yes, but do they predict it correctly??

A short term prediction for a single location is a very different kettle of low-hanging fruit compared with more general forecasts - especially in a hilly area such as this, where you can have rain one side of a hill & not the other.

In other words, yes they do.


Weather too nice for my mate riding up into the dales whilst I have covid!


South Wales
Each day is independent of the next surely? Wouldn't it be the case that on one day out of a 100 locations 5 would have rain?

I think the 5% rain bit is only a generated figure which doesn't mean much.

It means just what it says.

I've had rain on 5% days and sun with no rain on 75% days. I

Which will happen. On average, out of every 20 days where it is 5%, it will rain on one of them. Out of 20 days with a 75% prediction, it will be dry on 5 of them.

think forecasts are too focused on the south and then everything north of that I don't think you can trust the forecast. Perhaps the bit cities might be more accurate. But whatever the case plan for the worst hope for the best!
I don't think that is true at all.

Forecasts tend to me more accurate in flatter terrain, just because the weather is more predictable there. But I haven't seen any evidence otherwise of forecasts being more accurate either in the South, or in cities.
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Isca Dumnoniorum
All the extra brains in Devon keep the clouds higher🤣
With all of our undulating geography it must be difficult to forecast weather in the south west. I find that location based forecasts via the app are very good.

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
All the extra brains in Devon keep the clouds higher🤣
With all of our undulating geography it must be difficult to forecast weather in the south west. I find that location based forecasts via the app are very good.

I encountered 3000ft of upwardly undulating geography starting less than a mile from my house last weekend...fair made me puff I can say. No idea what the weather was doing.....
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