Elephant Bike

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Cynical idealist
They are awesome. If you buy one from the charity they donate one too. Bit heavy compared to modern bikes but you don't buy a cargo bike for its speed and agility.


You might struggle if it is hilly I have an Orebea Katu 20 but they no longer seem to make a non electric version


Senior Member
Go for it - you won’t regret it. I’ve had mine a couple of years now. Amazingly robust bikes that can haul a decent load. Not amazingly fast but decent gear range means you can tackle most hills and cruise comfortably on the flat at 15 mph. You also got the historical dimension to it if that’s your thing!
Love the whole concept of these. Also can't help thinking they'd make a perfect platform for a mid-drive conversion. Battery on the seat tube would still leave a relatively low step-through.

EDIT: looks like a few people actually have done mid-drive conversions. Anyone with a 22" version able to confirm distance between junctions of seat-stay to seat-tube and mid-stay to seat tube?
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Girl from the North Country
I think I may have just bought a bike...

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