Etape Caledonia 2024 - review

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Well-Known Member
@Slick If you are talking of the 2021 Etape Loch Ness, then you're right, that WAS a fantastic event. I'm sure other editions of it have been equally great as well, but that was the one I took part in and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I am tempted to do Etape Calendonia at some point as well, but logistically it will take a bit of working out first, so probably not next year.

It really reminded me of the event of old; full of atmosphere, good riders, excellent stops and feed stations. I'll definitely pony up the cash next year for the ticket.


@Slick If you are talking of the 2021 Etape Loch Ness, then you're right, that WAS a fantastic event. I'm sure other editions of it have been equally great as well, but that was the one I took part in and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I am tempted to do Etape Calendonia at some point as well, but logistically it will take a bit of working out first, so probably not next year.
Spot on, I really enjoyed the day with the run down to the Fort on closed roads cheered on by the locals, a particular highlight for me.

After making a complete pig's ear of this thread, I might give the Caledonia a go next year myself. :laugh:
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