Football Commentators

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Sorry ladies, but female football commentary is just wrong.


Legendary Member
Piemaster said:
Sorry ladies, but female football commentary is just wrong.

Indeed. The female commentator the BBC employ for the footy sounds like an over-excited teenage boy trying too hard to convey his dubious interest in the on-screen action.


Re member eR
rich p said:
Alan Green is a dick though by any standard!

Agree with that.

He would be ok if he were to just stick to giving a commentary on the match. Sadly he is unable to do that.
I don't think I have ever heard anyone moan as much as he does. I pity his poor Mrs and kids.

There is a phone-in he hosts on a Saturday evening, nicknamed by my kids........The Alan Green Moanathon.


Alan Green is one of the things about the UK that I don't miss. Alan Hansen is another.

They show FA Cup matches live here (in France) and they have an English women (Louise something or other, she's a Liverpool fan) doing the intro & 1/2 time blurb. My lord, is she irritating... but at least she doesn't take herself seriously!


girofan said:
Yep, yenrod,
When in God's name will supporters wake-up to the fact that it's not a Manchester/Birmingham/London team they are following. It's a company going under the name of one of the above!

Giro - this is totally my belief too !

Its rediculous ! ! !

- It'd be intersting if say Birmingham (for example) sponsored a cycling team...wonder what kind of press they'd get: as the logics the same, though out the football system yet the same.


Legendary Member
yenrod said:
Giro - this is totally my belief too !

Its rediculous ! ! !

- It'd be intersting if say Birmingham (for example) sponsored a cycling team...wonder what kind of press they'd get: as the logics the same, though out the football system yet the same.

So let's get to the bottom of this; what is it you don't actually like about it because if it's only "big business", support a lower league/amateur team. There's enough around and they are desperate for your support. But don't tell me to give up my heritage. I've passed on my love of my team to my son just as my dad passed it on to me and his dad to him so it goes back generations. Loyalty/glory/despair/frustration/delight going back generations. Collective memories going back a century or more and because of the current set-up, you question our liking or commitment of it? I feel a bit sorry for people who are missing out on it, personally.


Re member eR
girofan said:
When in God's name will supporters wake-up to the fact that it's not a Manchester/Birmingham/London team they are following. It's a company going under the name of one of the above!

Maybe that is the case now for the big clubs but you have to remember the football clubs and the supporters were there long before 'big money' came along and should the club drop down through the divisions and lose any kind of support from business the true fans will STILL be there.
The fans support the club no matter what, business is just piggybacking and making money / getting kudos.

I'm not a supporter of any club by the way but I do enjoy football.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
PaulB said:
I feel a bit sorry for people who are missing out on it, personally.

Please, don't feel you have to feel sorry for me, any more than I have to feel sorry for you because you don't knit.... (Assuming you don't).

Talking of comentary, was it an Argentinian comentator who went off on a fantastic diatribe in Spanish, when they scored against England, and the only words you could understand (if you didn't speak Spanish) were things like "Margaret Thatcher" and "Malvinas!"


Legendary Member
Arch said:
Please, don't feel you have to feel sorry for me, any more than I have to feel sorry for you because you don't knit.... (Assuming you don't).

Talking of comentary, was it an Argentinian comentator who went off on a fantastic diatribe in Spanish, when they scored against England, and the only words you could understand (if you didn't speak Spanish) were things like "Margaret Thatcher" and "Malvinas!"

No, I don't knit:sad: but I'm willing to learn! And it was originally a Norwegian commentator who started the "Lord Nelson, Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher can you hear me?" stuff which may later have been taken up by an Argentinian but the Norway game came well before the Falklands/Malvinas contretemps.

Chris James

Über Member
PaulB said:
"the Arse" weren't playing "the Scousers" last night. What a southern-centric viewpoint. To fit in with your description, it'd be more accurate to say Liverpool V the cockneys as it was at Anfield.

If it was at Anfiled then surely it was the Norwegians vs the cockneys?;)

On a more serious note, I agree with you Paul. Anyone who thinks football support is about watching 22 men kicking a bag of wind about probably doesn't 'get it'.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Chris James said:
On a more serious note, I agree with you Paul. Anyone who thinks football support is about watching 22 men kicking a bag of wind about probably doesn't 'get it'.

And should we have to? There are plenty of things I care about and others don't, and I don't disparage them for it. Well, not much...;)


Legendary Member
Chris James said:
If it was at Anfiled then surely it was the Norwegians vs the cockneys?;)

We haven't had a Norwegian for years (on the pitch anyway!) and make sure you beat Chelsea won't you? (I admit I'm quite unusual in that as a kid, my dad took me to one and my uncle to the other and I've never totally lost that residual admiration for Everton or the thrill of going in to Woodison - I know, I know, it's a burden I have to shoulder!)


Legendary Member
Arch said:
And should we have to? There are plenty of things I care about and others don't, and I don't disparage them for it. Well, not much...;)

Sorry if you thought it was disparaging, it wasn't meant to be and I only wrote "a bit sorry" in reaction to Yenrod saying it was "ridiculous" to show support for a football team. Either way, I only feel a bit sorry for non-footy fans in the dark months and not this time of year when the open road beckons.
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