FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast 18th March to Southend-on-Sea 2011

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Actually Tim, looking through your photos and the 'actions' described therein, I remember that Susie instigated 'Propose a Toast' to this and that... a recurring theme throughout the furniture removal session. :smile:


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
A fantastic start to the 2011 FNRttC season, resplendent in new route, riders and hostelry. My night started with an experimental stab towards London, an unexpected rendezvous with Ianrauk, and a wonderful welcome on arrival to HPC.

As the mercury drew its arms around its knees and huddled in the bottom of the bulb, a glorious adventure unfolded for the 100 or so night riders facing the night.
Icy descents didn't dampen our spirits, nor frozen pawls, bidons, and fingers. Although not without sorrows (losing Charlotte + Julian before I could congratulate them on the return of their bikes; the absence of many familiar faces from our peloton; missed opportunities to catch up with old friends) the sight of 100 or so tail lights trading sodium for moonlight more than made up for things.
What I failed to observe (of course) was that "100 or so tail lights" meant I was at risk of bumping wheels with the TECs, but all were very kind about my diminishing pace. I'm not sure I ever saw the front of the group, so if you were in that happy number, please accept a belated "hello!" from me.
On the topic of which, my apologies for leaving without properly saying goodbye. Having held the group up at least once on the way in, and knowing I'd be the slowest on the long drag home, it would have been churlish to delay our departure once the powers that be had finished brekkie.
So it was a swift departure under sunlit skies that saw us leave the merry Rose, off to the roundabouts of the A13, pipping Pippa, User10571, Brian and co to the first of our traditional dead end turns, then waving them past as they sailed through in navigational splendour, the right way home.
Adventures for us, following Ian into Grays, spawning and simultaneously condemning a billion alternate universes. In 950 million, we end our days still trying to escape the one way system. In 50 odd million, we make peaceful lives within the town, living out our time in various hetero life partner couplings of Ross + Mart, Mart + Ian, Ian and me. In one we are ejected by the town council for an unspeakable act involving a dirty bike, baby wipes and a bottle of lube.

I consider it only small rejection that Ian unpicked our route to the current existence, returning us to our families in time for lunch,
then bed.


West London
The images I took at Look Mum No Hands, after the ride, are now up and thumbnailed.

Unfortunately, about half the images are low-res, since I leave one camera mode in 640×480 mode, so I can do live uploading with an Eye-Fi card and my camera, but I wasn't doing that yesterday, and I forgot that I'd set the camera to that mode!

Thanks Tim,
What a lovely day!

What you achieved was amazing! We all thought you were joking when you said last month that you were coming to Southend. I only hope that you didn't overdo it and that we will see you firing on two cylinders again soon. Wish I could have some of what you were smoking on the way back!


pre-talced and mighty
For amusement, this is a screen shot of my GPS track from Look Mum No Hands to London Bridge station. Look Mum No Hands is were the green flag is, and London Station is at the bottom right. I managed to go quite spectacularly wrong, and I'm not sure why I turned off of the route that would have just got me to the station!

and in separate news, the UK's first space probe to Mars has been located.....in East Finchley!
So. I read the weather forecast and dressed accordingly - or was that like an accordion? Not sure.
I rendezvoued with Joy at Paddington, not bare - unlike the well-oiled young ladies returning from the races at Cheltenham as I awaited a delayed Swansea train.
Joy abounded off the train eventually, soon to be joined by Claudine, back from Liverpool St. then User482 from Bristol. Steve and I had a pint while the ladies had a ladylike drink of lime and soda - Claudine wishing to preserve the facade she had projected onto her new recruit.
Hyde Park was the usual performance. I'm sure that it would be possible to stay there all night, not riding, just chatting with people - such is the need to 'catch up'. Ian after his travails with Henry, big Andy, determined, Els - who gave me a (s)warm welcome and User13710... venturing into and out of the smoke. And all you others of course!
Among friends again.
"We're off" Was it that? I don't recollect the hush before the proclamation "We're on our way" - probably me not paying attention.
Joy was cold at kick off. It was to get worse. Just out of town to the East we stopped and it was time to pass over a pair of inner gloves. She was our 'Bow Jo' - not a 'mare' but a filly... there were no complaints, just resolve.


Here's more if interested

And then it got a bit cold.
We got to Brentwood, up that nice slope which warmed, only to stop and wait around. All the positive numbers on the thermometer were having the morning off, and it was a cold crew that assembled. Joy moved on to the halfway stop, still pedalling but. It was cold. My hands were the coldest I can seem to remember. No fun for the perfectly capable rider. Anyone who was tussling with tiredness or lack of general warmth would have struggled, and Joy sensibly called it a day at Tully's Snackery. There will be other, more favourable times - well done.
The big orange was warming the spirits as it cast us some shadows. Pippa's yo ho ho ration was going down a treat. At one point, the TEC group were lagging, and it was necessary to invent a puncture - in reality, Tim, Claudine, Brian, Pippa and self were standing around drinking essential cognacs and rums. Where? No idea. I couldn't feel my fingers for the most part and only decided to take my camera out as we approached Leigh on Sea - everyone else was more or less 'home', and I fancied a bimble along the seafront.


I tried to catch the two smokey chimneys - one is just visible...


the sun was itching to push aside the naughty night

At the café, the queue was large, but there was a good buzz within. Because I had meandered into the seafront, the official presentations had passed. Here is Susie about to commence the formal signing of card.


We ate, drank tea xx( and had cake. We arrived mob-handed at the train station for a return to London. Frank, Tim and I were playing musical bikes - an entertaining game whereby the 'locals' expect you to move everything in an instant so that they can get off and on. We dealt with it.

And then it was partytime. Tim's photos sum up the table seance - I remember it being a good laugh and SO nice in the sun. an added bonus was Adam, the FNRs Tesco expert, and Claudine's Mum and Dad - arriving to wish their daughter a happy '21st'. :smile:


"Look Mum No Pages"


Happy Birthday Sunny Saturday!

Tim's position on the public footpath gives the game away somewhat...


Frank leapt up to gather photo evidence of the bylaw infringement


Our ride leader was demanding more beer, and the official voice of officialdom, Titus was nowhere to be seen. He was on the bench with Claudine ar$ing about.


Disgraceful. Perfectly disgraceful. :smile: I went to bed 38 hours after I had awoken on Friday morning - man I was tired!
Would anyone mind if they wore a name label for some or part of the ride until it dropped off? So many new faces last Friday, and, not withstanding those ultra-private people who can't stand anyone knowing anything, it might be a nice idea. Is that silly?


Junior Walker and the Allstars
You know it's cold when;
Your drink has turned to Slush Puppy
You hear an ominous noise on the brakes for a few seconds and then realise it's the ice clearing off the rims
There's frost on the face of your computer
…and the drip on the end of your nose has turned to ice.


pre-talced and mighty
You know it's cold when;
Your drink has turned to Slush Puppy
You hear an ominous noise on the brakes for a few seconds and then realise it's the ice clearing off the rims
There's frost on the face of your computer
…and the drip on the end of your nose has turned to ice.
Flying Dodo will be along in a while to tell you about the FNRttC 3rd November 2006 to Bracklesham Bay. Now that was a cold one.

(although it was also the smallest. Three of us)


Flying Dodo will be along in a while to tell you about the FNRttC 3rd November 2006 to Bracklesham Bay. Now that was a cold one.

(although it was also the smallest. Three of us)

Even the Definitely Not The Friday Christmas Night Ride to Bognor (or whatever we ended up calling it) was attended better than that, with 4½ riders (one of which was Adam). It also wasn't anywhere near as cold, staying several degrees above freezing, even though it was in January.

If it's definitely cold enough to guarantee ice, I have a snow and ice bike, with studded tyres. It's a bit heavier than Red however! (Not surprisingly since it's a £69 steel Decathlon bike compared to a £1500 Planet-X CF bike).
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