FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast 28th May - Whitstable 2010

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Just spoken to Simon; I'm having to withdraw. Just getting ready to leave and pumped the front tyre up when the valve shot out. Never mind I thought, I can get another one in, in time. Put new tube in and checked the edges, but obviously not enough as the tyre shot off the rim. Started repair with second tube but realised I won't be able to get to Central London 'afore 12.30 if I left now.

Have a good one peeps.


Lover of things that come in 3's
Wide awake, have had a couple of cold ones after my non-start, I almost made it to the train station. Had a little off and all my own fault:blush: Train station has one way system with entrance and exit, and I was being a bit dopey. Cycled right past entrance and was busy trying to make snap decision on whether i could make it via sharp turn back on myself or to turn into the exit. Chose option 2 and turned straight into an exiting taxi. He wasn't happy but at least checked I was ok before he swore at me:biggrin: Came down hard on my left side, arm and hip sore, front wheel rather buckled, rest of bike seems ok, I'll know better tomorrow.....pratt springs to mind right now!


Got the bike repaired at about midnight in the end; had it been any earlier I would have got on a late train and met everyone at London Bridge. Toyed with the idea of slinging bike on car and meeting the peleton at Erith or Woolwich but had no idea if they take a back route or stick to A206 and when they would hit that neck of the woods. Lure of warm bed was too much by then.

Hope you're feeling OK MacB. The drinks were on me anyway; it's my b'day on Monday. :wahhey:


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Sorry to hear of your off, MacB. It was a beautiful night out there. Still a little dusty around the trees, but a good crowd, a clear sky, and a wonderful moon.

I left the ride at Greenwich (pre-natal schedules dictate I remain within an hour of home) and even enjoyed the amble back to Bromley.

A big welcome to those on their first FNRttC, and a fond hello to the regulars.



Lover of things that come in 3's
cheers folks, still can't believe my first off was 100% down to me, left wrist and forearm bloody sore, rest just achy.

Looking forward to ride reports and piccies:biggrin:


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Got back home about an hour ago. Was not going to do this ride as a few cycling related things during the week put me in a bad cycling mood. And I was definitely in no mood for the amount of motons who though it would be a good idea to beep at myself and Arallsopp on the way to HPC. In the end I was glad I did the ride. The rage subsided the further in the ride we got. A whole bunch of new faces and some of the good ol' regulars. Andy's Cafe was as efficient as usual. Got to Whitstable at 7.30 for a nice brekkie. Des grabbed a beer.. it was tempting it really was... but no.. some of us got our arses into gear and at 8.45 jumped on our steeds and cycled back.
141 miles in total for the ride.. bleedin' knackered.. but well chuffed, The ride certainly excised a few cycling demons.
Cheers Simon, a glorious ride with very little problems or mechanicals.

Sorry to hear about your off Mac and sorry you couldn't make it Chris.


Senior Member
What a difference a month makes.

That was one of the slickest FNRttC yet. 5 punctures, (2 at HPC, 2 in sight of the finish and one somewhere in between), dry weather and a tail wind meant that was the fastest Whitstable ride yet. The front of the ride finished before the chefs had arrived at the cafe!! (7:15).

Thanks Simon and all your helpers.


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Good work Ian. Sounds like the pace picked up a bit after I left. We were doing all of 2mph average leaving town ;)

Did the tailwind do the decent thing and turn around for the return leg? :troll:


Silencing his legs regularly
matthew said:
What a difference a month makes.

That was one of the slickest FNRttC yet. 5 punctures, (2 at HPC, 2 in sight of the finish and one somewhere in between), dry weather and a tail wind meant that was the fastest Whitstable ride yet. The front of the ride finished before the chefs had arrived at the cafe!! (7:15).

Thanks Simon and all your helpers.

+1. A very pleasant night out, after a somewhat alarming start for me. Having had problems with the Jetstream's shock losing pressure quickly (100+ psi down in a few days when left or in a few hours riding), I've taken to bringing my shock pump along for FNRs and other long outings. On the train in the vicinity of Godalming (if memory serves) I'm giving the shock a top up (according to the gauge it had already lost 30+ psi) when there was a bit of a bang and the connector- which has looked a bit ropey recently, admittedly- broke off from the remainder of the pump. I thought the shock was pumped up full, and hoped (a) it would hold for at least a while and (;) someone else might just have one. As it turned out, and I only realised this afterwards, the (more than acceptable) ride quality wasn't down to the shock being nice for once and staying inflated, or for losing pressure gradually- it didn't sag at all during the night. The reason was simple- no air in it at all. Which is good to know. Yes, it doesn't handle big bumps quite as well, but there's no loss of power (as I've found when the shock isn't kept well-inflated), no sagging ever...and as there's no replacement option for the shock should it ever be unrepairable, the bike would still be more than useable, just as good as it is now in fact. Hurrah!

Getting a puncture visitation on HPC must be a new record. And there was that further delay in the City. Apart from that, it was, all run, seemingly smoother than Silky the silkworm's favourite silk pajamas. We were flying- my (total, not rolling) average for the night was 10.4 mph (!!). Perfect weather for it, the chain drop fairy didn't visit me at all (perhaps the shock thing had a bearing there), seemingly no incidents for anyone else either (even better). That last run into Whitstable was almost as much fun as last time (I can't have been much slower, lack of Viner notwithstanding- barely dropped below 15 mph, most of the time nearer 20). Yet again, top work from Andy's & The Waterfront, and of course our own esteemed cast & crew, hopefully all those unfortunate absentees will be back ASAP.

And three weeks to go until Yorkshire, yippee! And Bognor the following week. Hopefully, n+1 (AKA backup Paris bike) will be up and running for the northern expedition. As I said to a couple of people this morning, don't want to give details just yet, tempting fate after all the recent problems with the existing fleet (I will have at least one day with NO BIKES this week, aargh!). But looking good, at least to my layman's eye.


Comfortably numb and increasingly fixed.
Gillingham, Kent
Well, that was a mixed bag for me. A combination of injury and apathy has kept me off my bikes for several months, so I skipped the London start and joined the peleton when they stopped at Andy's Snacks in Rochester.
The sunrise over Kingsnorth and Grain power stations was a spectacular sight and it was worth getting up early for that alone.

I took a couple of turns at signposting duties and was really surprised how tightly the group stayed together compared to other rides, with just a few minutes separating the front runners and the TEC.

An old knee injury started playing me up before Faversham and I struggled over the last few miles, although I did get to sit down for a while, in order to repair the two punctures I picked up in Seasalter. I can only assume that I pinched the first replacement tube when I fitted it because it was flat within twenty yards of setting off again. Thanks to Tim, for lending a hand and for the use of your pump, which did the job about 10 times faster than mine would have.

I got a bit of footage on my camera...

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BuOwwh6cG8Q
Ho ho ho!
We had (and are possibly having a good time...) :laugh:
'The Sozzled Six' + Claudine, departed Whitstastastableshle, terrorised the ticket person, tried to defeat the sliding doors on the toilet and arrived at Victoria in plenty of time!
What an invigorating journey from Hyde Park to the coast. All of davywalnut's Pre-tannedty entourage was there to meet him, but, realising he was not riding, put their baseball bats behind the bar and carried on as usual.
'Big up' for Des O - getting a pint at about 07:50 - you picked the right one there Des - it took us until about 08:40 before we could get to the hop...
And thank you all for interesting and pleasant company. (I would have ridden back but I thought it only right to stay and socialise with senior folk who may have been pining for home as the beer began to flow.

"Ah Whisto"

(Anyone get any decent photos - mine packed up due to the abuse it was getting about its 'man bag' thing...:smile:)


Bexley, Kent
Thanks everyone for making last night/this morning a memorable one, and especially to Simon for all the hard work and organisation. This was my second FNRttC - the first was last month's Southend ride - and what a contrast! Both memorable, but for such different reasons. Highlights for me were seeing the sun rising over the power stations and the high speed dash through Seasalter for the bacon and eggs!

Thanks also to Ian and John for the company on the ride home again. This turned out to be my first 200km+ of the year, and even the soaking I got for the last half an hour before arriving home didn't dampen my spirits. Wish I didn't have a quick afternoon 'nap' though - kn*ackered now!



known as Olaf in real life
Brexit Boomtown
What a wounderful ride, in spite of the awkward start. My attempt to ride back to London, however, turned out to be a product of sheer overconfidence. I only made it to Faversham :smile: from where I took the train. Well, 137 km in total, are not really embarassing.

This was my 3rd FNRttC and I´m really pleased by the great spirit of the ride and the cordiality of you guys. Unfortunately I won't be able to do the FNRttCs in June and July but I´m absolutely looking forward to the one in August.

BTW a GPS track of the ride is available here: http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=narudtvsviahshat

Well done you two!


I have others...:smile:


West London
Beautiful picture!

In fact the whole ride was beautiful, including route, weather, company, breakfast, organisation...

After breakfast I got the 9:37 train back with a few others (using a time trial I had cunningly entered for tomorrow morning as my excuse for not cycling back), and we enjoyed a few rounds of train door roulette (guess which side the door will be on?) with our bikes. Despite the presence of a growing and vocal band of Millwall suppporters, the only people who actually swore at us were a middle aged couple at Bromley South who tried to board the train at the last minute only to find the entrance barricaded by bikes!

This was topped off by, in my case, a personal best of a 7-hour afternoon nap! When I woke up and the clock was saying 6:20pm, I assumed it was broken.

Thanks again to Simon and fellow travellers for making it a great ride.
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