FNRttC Friday Night Ride to the Coast - Whitstable 17th June 2011

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Fantastic ride! Thanks Simon and everybody involved.

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No rain, lots of water.

Tim Hall

Great pictures Els. Really lovely.

In answer to the question "What is the signal for flooded road?" we shout "Dellzeqq Deluge"


Always at opposition
TimH: what is that bird in photo 22? Is it a whitethroat? There was something singing loudly in the field next to that junction where we took a right but I couldn't identify it.


Skylark and those puddles makes me think of Noah and Nelly - "All aboard the Skylark"

]View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pzu2H3ScDNU[/media]


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
I heard a skylark singing its head off in the dark at one point, something I've never heard before. It was in the flat marshy place with pylons (OK, I know there were a few of those, I'm afraid I didn't know where I was half the time!). I mentioned it to someone, not sure who, it was so beautiful.

I remember it also.. lovely sounds.
I've asked over the road. Wowbagger, Who Knows About These Things, says whitethroat TAAW.

He also points out

I've never seen a skylark alight anywhere other than the ground.

Yes, I did think skylarks are either seen on the ground or in the sky.

That is absolutely brilliant, Tim, to get that shot - I'm quite envious.


I heard a skylark singing its head off in the dark at one point, something I've never heard before*. It was in the flat marshy place with pylons (OK, I know there were a few of those, I'm afraid I didn't know where I was half the time!). I mentioned it to someone, not sure who, it was so beautiful.

*Edit: I have heard skylarks before, of course, just never in the dark!

Heard towards your left, across the fields. And spoken into the shadows on your right, just as the sky was beginning to get light?


Über Member
I can't begin to describe how fun and these outings are. I'm not at my best for witty and eloquent prose, so I'll leave it at that and let others produce more descriptive accounts of a wonderful and largely rain-free ride.

It's been a while since the last Whitstable ride, so I'd forgotten what a pleasant and varied trip it actually is.

Firstly, let it be on record that I owe McWobble a large pint, after breaking his reflector in a clipless moment at the Surrey Quays stop.

Tried to ride back with Ian, Bruce, Ross and Rimas, as I wanted to get a hundred in today, but unfortunately the legs were shot this morning, and I had to bail at Faversham. Having had a kip on the HS1, things improved and I was able to ride back to Harrow from St. Pancakes on my normal commute route.
Reckon I got about 95 miles in, so I wasn't far off.

Thank y'all for the usual mix of good humoured company and organisation, as ever

P.S. the guy, whose name escapes me now, I was talking to at the Monument about the rude stickers - we never got to exchange addresses - please PM me and I will oblige as discussed!

Aahhh that'll be me then - the stickers I mean. Tried a message via the board but no response yet. I'll be on the Newhaven FNRttC and if you are too then I'd be glad to take one or two of your hands. Thanks.
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