Fussy eaters !

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gary r

my sons friend has come round for tea tonight,he only eats Pizza (cheese & tomato)chips & chicken nuggets!!!!when i offered him ice cream for pudding he turned his nose up as it "had bits in" it was raspberry ripple!! :smile: How does he survive on that diet !!!!

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
There was a telly programme about a man who'd only eat pizza and crisps. It was driving his wife mad. According to the psychologist, it was a hangover from his attempt to gain some control over his life as a kid. Apparently he had a bossy father.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, at least the pizza has tomato in it...

Pizza is apparently a good way to trick kids into eating stuff, enough cheese and they don't notice. Hell, I'll even eat mushroom on a pizza, if it's thin enough...

Crap parenting, anyway. While I quite understand people, including kids, having genuine food dislikes (me and mushrooms for example), that is just pickyness that has been allowed to go too far. Although it's probably also laziness - not wanting to be bothered with having a fight over it. Thing is, you only need to fight a couple of times, when a kid is young enough, and then they learn to give in.

When I worked at Iceland, we had a customer return a pack of our new premium vanilla ice cream, as it had 'little black bits in it'. We told him they were vanilla seeds, but he demanded to exchange it for a litre of Walls bog standard yellow...


Senior Member
SE London
I lived on cheese, chicken, tomato soup, fish fingers & chips & lots of fruit(no veg except runner beans) when I was young - sent my parents & relations around the bend. Wouldn't turn my nose up at a bit of raspberry ripple though :smile:

The child is certainly not alone and if I'm anything to go by 'grows out' of the fussiness (although I still won't eat certain foods). My earlier diet has not done me any harm, as I'm probably fitter and healthier than my non-fussy siblings.


New Member
Yellow Fang said:
There was a telly programme about a man who'd only eat pizza and crisps. It was driving his wife mad. According to the psychologist, it was a hangover from his attempt to gain some control over his life as a kid. Apparently he had a bossy father.

There was another one about a guy who only ate cheese. When he went out to restaurants with his family he'd order a plate of cheese! Only cheddar, mind. Sometimes, he'd have it grated, sometimes sliced and sometimes when he was feeling lazy he'd just have a block of it.

The programme was rubbish though as it didn't really get to the bottom of why he only ate cheese.

They tried to get him to eat melted cheese and different types of cheese but he just spat them all out saying they tasted horrible. It would even make him retch to taste emmental.



Über Member
I was very fussy as a child and an absolute nightmare to take to a Restaurant or Friends. Like Flying Fox I had a core of favourite foods eggs, fish fingers oxtail soup with the bits sieved out sausages again lots of fruit veg wise would only eat garden peas. Was taken to the Doctor at one point who said I was healthy and that I would grow out of it.

Am 41 now and whilst I am a million miles better than I was as a child still throw the odd swerveball love chicken cooked in a Tikka sauce but won't eat the sauce and love pizza but won't eat tomatoes or tomato sauce.


Senior Member
Ipswich, Suffolk
I eat anything.
it's how i was brought up.

"that's what you're getting for dinner"
"I don't like green peppers"
"go hungry then"

seemed to work for me


Cycling in the sun
I can understand people having a few dislikes, but its the picky children who won't try anything. One of my daughters friends when she first came around only ever had plain pasta ... then we worked up to having a bit of olive oil on it, then a small bit of chicken etc. Took a couple of years to gradually broaden her taste buds. Even with my own children you sometimes make a break through - my youngest recently ate chickpeas, and feta cheese and tried fennel but decided he didn't like it... we'll keep serving it up and hoping that he will like it.

I won't force my children to eat something though... my parents did that with me... sitting at the table for hours ... me sneaking food into the bin/under the furniture etc. It didn't work to get me to eat it and just ended up in hours of stress.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
summerdays said:
I won't force my children to eat something though... my parents did that with me... sitting at the table for hours ... me sneaking food into the bin/under the furniture etc. It didn't work to get me to eat it and just ended up in hours of stress.

Yes, I know someone who went through that at school over stuff he just couldn't bear to eat, so I'd always want to take that into account. I'd be the same with mushrooms.

When my nephew was born, I wrote him a letter with some advice about the world, and one of the things was that he always had to eat up his vegetables, or 'at least try them to see if you like them'. So far (he's not 2 yet) he seems to be pretty happy with most food.


Über Member
I wasn't picky as a child. I didn't like mushrooms, but most other things I would eat.

I would even ask my mum to buy different things so I could try them. I think my favourite was pork chops with the kidney in, but you can't get them anymore ;)

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
If I didn't eat a meal then it was no problem with my parents, but I was not allowed to eat anything, sweets, fruit, cake etc. until the next meal time. Needless to say I'm not a fussy eater although like everyone I like some things better than others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Über Member
South Norfolk
gary r said:
my sons friend has come round for tea tonight,he only eats Pizza (cheese & tomato)chips & chicken nuggets!!!!when i offered him ice cream for pudding he turned his nose up as it "had bits in" it was raspberry ripple!! :smile: How does he survive on that diet !!!!
He'd go hungry here...don't have any of that stuff :tongue:
I agree with Arch - bad parenting. If he were at my prep school, he would have never left the dining room as we had to eat what was on our plates! Healthy it was too...


One of my son's friends is the worst eater, he wont eat chips, potato waffles, boiled, roast or new potato's but he will eat smiley faces or the alphabet chips. and only with either skinless sausages or fish fingers, thats it nothing else (spoilt brat!). I was always told to eat up or wait till next meal and I do that with my two boys. The eldest used to be fussy untill he was around 5, now he will try most things at least once and decide whether he likes it, the youngest is almost 3 and whether he will try something new or not is very mood dependant.

But we will break him! ha ha
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