Getting a new 20 limit enforced

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Über Member
Campaign for speed bumps? The ones they put in the 20mph zone around here are so steep that you can't even comfortably cycle over them. They even put exactly the same speed bumps in the 30mph zone. Now the centre of my town is a pain to both cycle and drive through - even at a comfy 20mph you feel like your spine is being dislocated! In the 30mph zone you do 30 at your own risk, you will regret it. Basically, don't drive through town is the message.

I agree with the locals being the worst offenders on this sort of thing. When a road goes from 40mph down to 20mph and it's a through road with no pedestrians or traffic, there's a lot of people who just keep going at 40. I definitely see it every day. Speed limits are important but IMO putting them in areas where you don't have regular pedestrians/housing and so on can sometimes be a bit of overkill. They're there to protect people and I think lots of people understand that, but if there's nobody to protect it makes people feel a bit free and easy with speed limits - so when the limit is ACTUALLY important, people feel (wrongly) like it's a waste of their time. At least, that's my opinion.


Nr Cambridge
20mph speed limits are a waste of time and not the way to go. Drivers should be educated to give cyclists more room and consideration at ANY speed. I don't need a speed limit to tell me to slow down around cyclists or give more space when passing. Balmy to have traffic crawling along at 20mph. Most drivers don't even stick to the 30mph limit so what hope is there that they will drive even slower. Little.

Plus most fairly fit cyclists can easily exceed 20mph. So we could potentially have the crazy situation of cars holding up cyclists or cyclists over taking cars as the cars are being driven too slowly. Bonkers. Of course if you are a fat lazy parent on the school run in your 4x4 you do slow down and drive cautiously and courteously when picking your little brat up from school. Never know you might mow down their best friend in your eagerness to pick up your little sprog or sprogette.


slower but further
SE London
20mph speed limits are a waste of time and not the way to go. Drivers should be educated to give cyclists more room and consideration at ANY speed. I don't need a speed limit to tell me to slow down around cyclists or give more space when passing. Balmy to have traffic crawling along at 20mph. Most drivers don't even stick to the 30mph limit so what hope is there that they will drive even slower.
Why do you think your opinion and optimism deserve more credence than the research indicating 40% reductions in KSI for 20mph areas in London?


Openly Marxist
20mph speed limits are a waste of time and not the way to go. Drivers should be educated to give cyclists more room and consideration at ANY speed. I don't need a speed limit to tell me to slow down around cyclists or give more space when passing. Balmy to have traffic crawling along at 20mph. Most drivers don't even stick to the 30mph limit so what hope is there that they will drive even slower. Little.

Plus most fairly fit cyclists can easily exceed 20mph. So we could potentially have the crazy situation of cars holding up cyclists or cyclists over taking cars as the cars are being driven too slowly. Bonkers. Of course if you are a fat lazy parent on the school run in your 4x4 you do slow down and drive cautiously and courteously when picking your little brat up from school. Never know you might mow down their best friend in your eagerness to pick up your little sprog or sprogette.

Whatever. You could just surrender your right to the road, and stop worrying about all of this. Oh wait - you've done that already, so you can spare the rest of us your pontifications on the subject. Perhaps you should concentrate instead on the difference between 'balmy' and 'barmy'?


Evidence based cyclist
So we could potentially have the crazy situation of cars holding up cyclists or cyclists over taking cars as the cars are being driven too slowly. Bonkers.

We already have that situation in almost every busy town and city in the country. I personally am frequently held up by motorised traffic.


Nr Cambridge
Whatever. You could just surrender your right to the road, and stop worrying about all of this. Oh wait - you've done that already, so you can spare the rest of us your pontifications on the subject. Perhaps you should concentrate instead on the difference between 'balmy' and 'barmy'?

You are so predictable. What took you so long to turn up this time? You even fell for my bait.


Nr Cambridge
So we could potentially have the crazy situation of cars holding up cyclists or cyclists over taking cars as the cars are being driven too slowly.
You've not been reading the letters page of the Cambridge News have you?.. someone was complaining of a cyclist overtaking them when they were doing a bit less than 20mph down Fen Causeway... I believe that's still a 30mph. :wacko:


Nr Cambridge
You've not been reading the letters page of the Cambridge News have you?.. someone was complaining of a cyclist overtaking them when they were doing a bit less than 20mph down Fen Causeway... I believe that's still a 30mph. :wacko:

Can't say I read the Cambridge News that often. Was the cyclist you refer to, you?


Nr Cambridge
Can't say I read the Cambridge News that often. Was the cyclist you refer to, you?
Possibly, but probably not. If a car is doing less than 15mph by my speedo I'll overtake it if the conditions allow. Above that then the gain is minimal & it'll require a fair kick so I can't be bothered. But I regularly see cyclists passing motorists doing less than 20mph.


Nr Cambridge
Possibly, but probably not. If a car is doing less than 15mph by my speedo I'll overtake it if the conditions allow. Above that then the gain is minimal & it'll require a fair kick so I can't be bothered. But I regularly see cyclists passing motorists doing less than 20mph.

I guess pretty much all cyclists can ride considerably in excess of 20mph. It's young ladies on boneshakers with front whicker baskets that are the speed kings or should I say queens in Cambridge. They often scalp me and I don't hang around either.


Nr Cambridge
I guess pretty much all cyclists can ride considerably in excess of 20mph. It's young ladies on boneshakers with front whicker baskets that are the speed kings or should I say queens in Cambridge. They often scalp me and I don't hang around either.
Not really, my guess about 80% are doing less than 10mph. However there seems to be a big void of riders from the sub-10mph riders to the the ones who are consistently riding near the 20mph marker.
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