Giving up alcohol for 3 months...

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Waiting for the great leap forward
The middle bit
I'm ashamed to say that i never really got on the wagon, but i am still a bit smug, and not a little amazed that i haven't had a cigarette in 15 months.
Maybe next year :biggrin:

And well done to those who did better than me, and thanks FF for the challenge.
Bayerd said:
Just curious, for those of you that pledged to go 3 months without, as you're drawing near to the end goal, what changes have you noticed, both positive and negative?

Fitness has improved although I am away next week on holiday and have allowed myself to let my hair down.(what little hair I have)

Definitely sleep better and am fitter...less streesed...concentration level has improved and can cope with a heavy workload better.More energy.Sleep for longer periods when I need to.Don't rely on drink to unwind.

I actually started in Dec 2008 after a heavy work stint and becoming ill then spending 5 days off in bed.That Christmas I didn't drink for the first time in over 20 years.

The rule being...don't drink at home,just special occasions and im allowed to drink on holiday abroad.
The last time I visited a British pub apart from a funeral in 2006 (how time flys) I don't know really.

I haven't had a drink of alcohol since new years eve or a ciggy since 31/12/1999.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.

At about 12.30 today, Mrs FF finaly fell off the wagon whilst we were preparing lunch. Whacked-back 2 large glasses of Reserve CdR, ate lunch and slept all afternoon!

Well, it was Mothers day I guess...
Ooops been boozing tonight as im away on holiday...did hit it quite hard last night for some reason but I may as well have been drinking water.First time since new years eve.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
hackbike 666 said:
Ooops been boozing tonight as im away on holiday...did hit it quite hard last night for some reason but I may as well have been drinking water.First time since new years eve.

Yeeee Haaaa

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I'm a real Ale and Whisky person, and I will quite happily get pissed as a fart at the drop of a hat.
Don't get me wrong, I don't drink every day, just occasionally, but at the same time, when I drink, boy do I DRINK!! I just don't seem to be able to stop myself (I'm just glad I don't drink every day otherwise I'd probably be an alcoholic by now).

I have had a couple of really bad drinking sessions recently involving Whisky and I just cannot go on like that!

It is therefore my aim to stop totally, as I just cannot trust myself, and, one of the ways I can stop myself is to get back on my bike and cycle everywhere.

If I'm on my bike, I CAN'T get pissed!! (that said, I have been known to cycle with the likes of Guinness sloshing about inside me, but that was on a cycle path and I wasn't drunk).

There, that's one of my main reasons behind starting to cycle again.

It is my Birthday on Tuesday and I'm going to stop then.

I'll let you know how I get on.
Mad Doug Biker said:
I'm a real Ale and Whisky person, and I will quite happily get pissed as a fart at the drop of a hat.
Don't get me wrong, I don't drink every day, just occasionally, but at the same time, when I drink, boy do I DRINK!! I just don't seem to be able to stop myself (I'm just glad I don't drink every day otherwise I'd probably be an alcoholic by now).

I have had a couple of really bad drinking sessions recently involving Whisky and I just cannot go on like that!

It is therefore my aim to stop totally, as I just cannot trust myself, and, one of the ways I can stop myself is to get back on my bike and cycle everywhere.

If I'm on my bike, I CAN'T get pissed!! (that said, I have been known to cycle with the likes of Guinness sloshing about inside me, but that was on a cycle path and I wasn't drunk).

There, that's one of my main reasons behind starting to cycle again.

It is my Birthday on Tuesday and I'm going to stop then.

I'll let you know how I get on.

Known in AA circles as "binge drinking".


Taking the biscuit
Go for it MDB.
Just try it and see.

At tdrinka towers this morning, after a friend's wedding yesterday, I am fighting fit but the Good Lady is a wreck from drinking nothing but Champers for almost 7 hours.

I haven't touched a drop for nearly 11 years and not having to feel like a bag of sh*te in the morning is the real pay off.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island

My Birthday is on Tuesday, so I might have one last massive Piss up and be done with it!! :smile:

Tour all my favourite pubs one last time <sniff sniff>.

It's alright, I know what I'm doing.
Fab Foodie

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
hackbike 666 said:
Since my return on 26 March I haven't touched a drop.

God that last post was happy days 6500 miles away.:becool:

Well played hackbike, well played!

Here at the FF's were still on low rations, there's still wine and beers available, but only for the pure delight, not for everyday sustenance. We're getting used to it now!

Mad Doug Biker

Best of luck, it's like loosing an old friend, but after a while the pain goes and something good takes its place, a clear head, less fatigue yadda yadda yadda.
Let us know how it goes.
Fab Foodie said:
Well played hackbike, well played!

Here at the FF's were still on low rations, there's still wine and beers available, but only for the pure delight, not for everyday sustenance. We're getting used to it now!

Mad Doug Biker

Best of luck, it's like loosing an old friend, but after a while the pain goes and something good takes its place, a clear head, less fatigue yadda yadda yadda.
Let us know how it goes.

Thanks....just got home from a long shift and having a cup of tea.Also lemsip as I have some sort of chest problem...I just got through a five day stint and am still standing although I have had this problem for two weeks.

Yes I used to binge as I had to be careful when I drank and when I could I went mad with it.

No booze till September at a guess.:laugh:
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