Idiots on bikes

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Dog on a bike
I remember the billboards, but I don't remember them driving around crashing into people?
You obviously weren't paying the required level of attention then..... :whistle:


Lovely jubbly
Well i didn't see that coming! Who'd have thought this thread could plummet so far from its abysmal beginnings?
It's clearly hard for people to believe that there are "idiot cyclists" out there, but I can assure you there are.
Well we got there in the end though with that excellent article from @subaqua.


Not ready enough - it's only been 25 mins since the last post, so there must be a (sad ;)) modicum of people who still think there is something else to say on this matter ... :headshake:


Comfy armchair to one person & a plank to the next
Not ready enough - it's only been 25 mins since the last post, so there must be a (sad ;)) modicum of people who still think there is something else to say on this matter ... :headshake:
Well, if you will keep posting! :laugh:

@Justinslow and friends will doubtless be particularly pleased that the cyclist at 4mins into this test video was safely wearing hi-vis :rolleyes:



Lovely jubbly
Not ready enough - it's only been 25 mins since the last post, so there must be a (sad ;)) modicum of people who still think there is something else to say on this matter ... :headshake:

I've nothing else to add, just responding to
Who'd have thought this thread could plummet so far from its abysmal beginnings?
I'm surprised such an "abysmal" thread can run for 43 pages if it's so "abysmal", plenty of people seem to have given their opinions.
Personal attacks are for pompus cretins, and are a last resort for people (the same usual suspects) with nothing to say. Water off a ducks back.
Maybe you should lock it down.
[QUOTE 4048775, member: 9609"]You may recall my Pink hat from earlier in the thread - it was a xmas pressy that got thrown immediately in the bin in a "I'm not wearing that moment", and as I had paid good money for it (wasn't from a charity shop or owt) I thought I would get some use out of it (I don't care about such things and in any case I can't see it when its on) Anyhows - I have noticed that when wearing it, occasionally cars and vans will drive slowly past with the male drivers peering over - LOL - they soon sod off when we get eye contact, but I do wonder what they are thinking, surely they can't think I'm a sexy woman from behind, I'm waiting for the day someone tries to slap me arse as they go past, they would certainly regret it if I caught them up.[/QUOTE]

In her 80'2my Mother in Law used to ride on the back of the tandem.

Wearing leggings and a fleece top to be practical, the assumption as that she was female, she used to get comments especially from young lads, as they came up behind

I remember one young lad complimenting her bottom, then as he passed being treated to her best impression of a toothless old hag!

He nearly fell off and his mates found it extremely funny


a short-tempered ill-controlled small-minded troll

I'm surprised such an "abysmal" thread can run for 43 pages if it's so "abysmal", plenty of people seem to have given their opinions.
Personal attacks are for pompus cretins, and are a last resort for people (the same usual suspects) with nothing to say. Water off a ducks back.
Maybe you should lock it down.

Firstly, I don't recall personally attacking you, and secondly, what was the intended title of this thread? Bell ends on bikes??

it didn't exactly start on a high point did it?
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