Is this morally wrong...

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buggi said:
apparently he doesn't know anything about moses because he didn't do Religious Education.

why not?

because he told the teacher he thought it was a load of tripe and so the school didn't want to offend him and let him opt out.

he's WHITE too!
Not being funny or anything, but is that significant?


Bird Saviour
Maz said:
Not being funny or anything, but is that significant?

No, thinking about it, no it isn't, i suppose what i meant was you could almost understand if he was not white and something like muslim and the teacher thought she would offend him, with all of today's political correctness and that malarky, but no you are right, it doesn't matter what colour he is, he should still take R.E.


Über Member
RE is a joke in schools and I speak from very recent as I have only just taken it in High School. It is not learning of religion really, but being able to put them into practise, but alot of the focus is on the other religions and not Christianity. I didn't do too bad in it, I got a C in short course, but that was because I made half of it up and filled it with my own opinion.


Über Member
buggi said:
i suppose i'm a bit shocked that he didn't know who Moses was!

Well I know who he is ... but that's only because of Infant school that I remember it, but RE at High School is not even a subject worth doing if i am honest.


buggi said:
i suppose i'm a bit shocked that he didn't know who Moses was!
You mean he didn't know him from Adam? :thumbsup:

I think the Education Act allows pupils to withdraw from taking part in RE lessons, even though the teaching of the subject is compulsory in most (all?) schools.


Über Member
I will certainly be insisting that my daughter be exempted from any brainwashing exercises at school.


Uncle Mort said:
As I was down as a catholic, I was excused hymn singing in assembly :thumbsup::biggrin::biggrin:
Hehe. I went one better and was excused from assembly. We were a group of Muslims plus a few Jews who would file into the hall at the end of The Lord's Prayer just to hear the announcements. :angry:
domtyler said:
Are we just talking about the orange ones on the Daily Mail web site?

If so I really don't see what the fuss is about, they can hardly be described as raunchy.

Quite. Hardly the bras and frilly knickers the OP was ranting about. Do you know something we don't or were you just having a 'Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' Freakout?


Taking the biscuit
In what way is it harmful?
IMO, Buggi has just raised complaint with a company openly encouraging the
sexualisation of children and the hypocrisy that brings out in todays society.

I agree with her and commend her on the action she has taken.


tdr1nka said:
I am curious as to why it is harmful?

I don't need to explain that.

The Rape thread was pulled double-quick.

Obviously the Forum likes to discuss this subject :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
yenrod said:
I don't need to explain that.

The Rape thread was pulled double-quick.

Obviously the Forum likes to discuss this subject :biggrin:

Oh, for god's sake yenners, what planet are you on? Don't need to explain, or suddenly find you can't because you posted without thinking properly?

On the subject of RE, Dom, I think there's a difference between brain washing, and learning about a large wodge of human culture, whether you happen to believe in it or not. When I did RE at school we learned in equal measure about the basic tenets of the world religions, so I don't see how that is brainwashing, since I'm now (and was then) pretty much agnostic. And I'm only not atheist because I know logically that I can't prove God doesn't exist...
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