Knighthood for Chris Froome?

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And, in the over the top style of a melodrama in the theatre, getting the spectators to howl and whistle to put pressure on the ref. The overacting is not primarily for the ref's sake - he's not far away and doesn't need the 2nd-rate theatre - it's engaging/manipulating the fans.


That is the reason it doesn't happen in Rugby! The ref's in that game demand respect, unlike football where all they get is abuse. Not many rugby refs will put up with people putting pressure on them to make a call.

Saddle bum

Über Member
Anyone who describes being doused with urine as "extremely wrong" in an interview is of the same nationality as us, regardless of where he was born or lived. I wouldn't have been surprised if he'd then described it as "a rather poor show" or something like that. He may love Kenya, but he's clearly British... as far as such lines on maps determined by the upper classes of the past matter.

We English have three states of irritation: "Miffed", "Peeved" and "Rather Cross". My dad said the last time he was "Rather Cross" was when he ran out of tea during the Blitz.


Legendary Member
He'll rise enormously in my estimation if, like David Bowie and LS Lowry before him, he refuses any attempts by the unworthy to gain credit from his hard work.


Legendary Member
[QUOTE 3821273, member: 259"]Try telling my kids - who were born and raised in Belgium - that they are not British. :rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
And my little man who's lived in the US since he was 9 months old? As British as you are! But without the bad bits of Britishness.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)


That is the reason it doesn't happen in Rugby! The ref's in that game demand respect, unlike football where all they get is abuse. Not many rugby refs will put up with people putting pressure on them to make a call.

Having had ref mikes and listened in on what was being said, there is an awful lot of pressure put on rugby refs to make a call. However it is a lot more polite and clever than football, and refs can and do bite back.


[QUOTE 3821333, member: 43827"]I don't believe that any sports star should get a knighthood at all, for running or riding faster than others, or kicking a ball more accurately, or if they do it should not be until they have retired from the sport that has enriched them, and put a lot more back into the sport. They get enough recognition via their awards and salaries.

Most top sports stars are selfish, single-minded people during their sports careers (no problem with that - it's part of what makes them champions). Let's first see what they do with their success.[/QUOTE]

This i agree with but just one other point, if Chris Froome was to be given one, how's about adding some of the amazing downhill riders into the mix? we have been dominating in that sport with the likes of the Gee family,Steve Peat and Manon Carpenter to name but a few we have so many amazing British Riders.
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