London-Edinburgh-London 2013: The thread

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Uncle Phil said:
What is the point of doing LEL if you can't use it as an excuse to buy some more toys...?

+1. I may well enter and then pull out through "injury" after acquiring sufficient toys. :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
ChrisKH said:
+1. I may well enter and then pull out through "injury" after acquiring sufficient toys. :biggrin:

Surely to really maximise the potential there, you need to acquire SON + appropriate lights (and anything else that takes your fancy, I mean, that would be useful), then have the "injury" but use it to justify the purchase of a recumbent so that you "can still do the LEL", and then later on have "another injury" meaning you have to pull out after all?


Über Member
Some people rode LEL with lights costing under £20. Takes all sorts.

With less faffing and a bit more effort on day 1 I think I could have got to Thorne in daylight (many people did). I would have then been able to have the same amount of sleep but been up and ready to go at sunrise rather than at 6.30am most mornings. Those extra few hours would have meant almost all of the subsequent days riding would have been in daylight, maybe a bit at dusk. It's certainly possible for a fast rider to complete LEL in daylight.

The things that slowed me down were all in my own control:-

1) Stopping for too long at controls (mind you, it's not a race)
2) Not getting up at 4am as first planned on day 2. (Ended up leaving Thorne at 6.30am).
3) Not pushing on from Eskdalemuir to Traquair at the end of day 2 when I wasn't feeling that tired and sleeping at Eskdalemuir was a nightmare.
4) Not pushing on from Eskdalemuir Southbound in the dreadful weather (very localised weather there, torrential downpour but dry 15 miles down the road in Langholm). There was no reason why I couldn't have left earlier, I just didn't want to.
5) And not using the 3 hours of waiting for the weather to improve at Eskdalemuir to best effect by sleeping (I sat around chatting instead). Serious case of dozies between Eskdalemuir and Alston which required a catnap in a church porch.
6) Pub lunch in Middleton-In-Teesdale took too long, but it was lovely to stop for some really nice food.
7) Very slow last section from Gamlingay to the finish, mainly because of lots us slowing down with tiredness and dozies. Plus we knew we had time to spare so we weren't rushing.

The bits I did in the dusk/dark were:-

Wragby (8pm-ish) to Thorne (midnight)
Alston (8pm) to Eskdalemuir (2am)
Eskdalemuir (10pm) to Alston (6am)
Coxwold (9pm) to Thorne (2am)
St Neots (9pm) to Finish (3.30am)


will you come with us to hold our hands greenie?

everywhere you mention seems to be in Finland?


New Member
Arch said:
Right. Anyone mad enough to be even considering the LEL 2013, pile in here, and hopefully any questions can be answered, training plans shared, and fevered brows mopped.

I should think it quite likely that I'll be participating.


Post of The Year 2009 winner
Bromley, Kent
Greenbank said:
If it's a certain John S then LEL wouldn't be LEL without him (bearing in mind he's ridden all six of them).

If that's the case, I'm sure he'll usher us round like a shoving leopard on a well-boiled icicle.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
arallsopp said:
If that's the case, I'm sure he'll usher us round like a shoving leopard on a well-boiled icicle.


Anyway, John, if you'd like to be on the map of prospective riders, PM me a rough address - town or simething similar will do.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
arallsopp said:
If that's the case, I'm sure he'll usher us round like a shoving leopard on a well-boiled icicle.

If it isn't that man you may have some explaining to do.


Well-Known Member
porkypete said:
I can see your logic there Greenbank.... but 2 x Ixon IQ is expensive too. Maybe not quite as much as a SON Dynohub + a Cyo but I don't see that I'll be able to afford both systems. And as you say the dynohub is probably the way to go on a 600, which I sort of think I "should" do before the LEL

I have done LEL with a fenix torch so don't worry too much for the dynohub...

I actually would want one for commuting!


Greenbank said:
I might be there to do just that. Riding, helping at a control or (hopefully) being able to do both.


never mind the rest, I really do need someone to follow that knows the way, when and where to stop, carries suitable spares and tools, has a good fund of amusing small talk, spare cash, erm that sort of thing
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