Lurkers! Register and be heard...

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New Member
I like lurking. I've been lurking for a long time. Long before this place was a twinkle in someone's eye. Before the great exodus from the Cycling Plus forums. Before many of the usual posters were strutting their stuff on uk.rec.cycling, when the internet was still in black and white.

Recently, this place has turned into a clique. The same posters over and over. Sycophants. Bland and unchallenging.

I like regulars, I like cameraderie and I especially like regulars who generously pass their wisdom to a new generation of newbies. But I get the feeling that CycleChat has become a little too cosy these days. Just look at the Cafe - how diverse are the posts? How many newbs are there? See for yourself.

Come on lurkers! Get stuck in. Register and post. Your opinions are valid and a damn sight more interesting than some of the groupthink we've seen in here recently.

I expect this post will be sh4t on from a great height by the current regulars, but it doesn't matter. I'll still be lurking and waiting for the next interesting forum to evolve...


Legendary Member
Straight to the point, and upfront with your opinions, welcome again.:thumbsup:


New Member
Hmm perhaps if YOU posted more it might evolve to your liking?, yes there are regular posters(davyo/longers/ teef/noodley/tdrinka/oatsy) to name a few.These are the lifeblood of any forum, they are the very reason this forum has such a daily update of post's whether negative or positive these people provoke responses/debate, it would be a dull place without the stalwarts/old farts !


New Member
punkypossum said:
Quoth, why don't you post more yourself to make things more interesting?

I agree with your logic punky, but I'd rather keep my powder dry until it's needed. Stir things up a bit when required.

Otherwise, I'll just be another part of the establishment...


New Member
oxbob said:
Hmm perhaps if YOU posted more it might evolve to your liking?

I've been posted every day for years, never under the same name for long though. Don't misunderstand me - I don' t want things to evolve to my liking.

I'm just keen for new and curious people to get involved. I think that recently, CycleChat (especially the Cafe) has disappeared up it's own 4rse somewhat and I think that's a shame.

Hence my call for new blood.
Quoth said:
I agree with your logic punky, but I'd rather keep my powder dry until it's needed. Stir things up a bit when required.

Otherwise, I'll just be another part of the establishment...

Yes, but you are asking other lurkers to post, because YOU think the forum has become too bland. Therefore, you are in effect saying that things need stirring up as far as you are concerned, but you are asking other people to do it for you while you basically remain a lurker (although a signed up one).

I'm all for more people signing up and new ideas/input can only be good, but I don't think other people should be responsible for "fixing" things that you are not happy with!


New Member
Care to spill the beans on your real id?


New Member
Oxbob - I'll never reveal my true identity! Although it rhymes with Peter Plarker...

Dave - thanks for supporting my original post. You're a star.

Punky - I can't march on Parliament on my own. If you're happy with the Quo, then...


Über Member
Quoth said:
Oxbob - I'll never reveal my true identity! Although it rhymes with Peter Plarker...

Dave - thanks for supporting my original post. You're a star.

Punky - I can't march on Parliament on my own. If you're happy with the Quo, then...

I didn't. Grow up and get over it.

You are right though. I am a star.


New Member
Maybe you're both right. Maybe this is the boring old fart forum.

I remember proposing this very point back in uk.rec.cycling some time in the last century. Why are cycling forums so attractive to...that type of person? Beige. Bland. Vague. "Nice". In fact, why are so many self-professed cyclists like that? I'm just a bloke who occasionally rides a bike!

It's not like I'm a member of a goddamn club. This place reminds me of the scouts. It's a bit creepy now that I think about it.

An epiphany!

Cheerio, comfy sofa types. Enjoy your tapioca. I don't expect you to question any of this. Maybe I'll check in on you in 2020, wherever you are by then...


New Member
Cheerio, comfy sofa types. Enjoy your tapioca. I don't expect you to question any of this. Maybe I'll check in on you in 2020, wherever you are by then...
Hopefully we will still be here, riding bikes for whatever our needs maybe, still taking the piss out of each other, handing out wise word's of wisdom to those silly enough to listen. And hopefully you return a wiser soul?
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