England : Greater Manchester New Years day ride around Mancunia

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Steve H

Large Member
Apologies all, but I'm going to be first at getting my excuses in. Just can't bring myself to ride all day in the driving rain today. I'm bowing out as a soft Yorkshireman.

Good luck to you all today - be safe out there.
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
Apologies all, but I'm going to be first at getting my excuses in. Just can't bring myself to ride all day in the driving rain today. I'm bowing out as a soft Yorkshireman.

Good luck to you all today - be safe out there.
No, come on Steve.

I've just opened the curtains and looked outside and although the sun hasn't risen yet it looks promisingly dry.


Been back home for a while now having bailed before the cafe stop. I was getting cold and decided i would rather get something to eat and a hot shower than stopping and starting again.

Hope everyone gets home safe.

Well done on the route Skolly, good to see those I knew and hello to those I didn't.:thumbsup:

For those that are fairly new here, get posting^_^ There's some good advice handed out on the forum.:smile:


My Armchair
Some random pics, I'll let others more eloquent do the report

Arriving at the meet, others turned up a bit later.
1st to arrive.jpg

1st 'planned' rest stop :whistle:

rest stop for Chris.jpg

Traffic lights were a constant feature, being an 'Urban' ride


In the cafe


Some of us were on diets of toast

Some of us weren't ;)

Diet breakfast.jpg

Wet feet Yahuda?


A nice none-urban water feature just for @ColinJ :tongue:
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My Armchair
A few more from around the Airport, Skud was in his element to be so close to the runway ^_^


Through the tunnels

Obstacle course
obstacle course.jpg

rest stop.jpg

Skolly 'helping' a cyclist despite being dressed like a fisherman
skolly helping.jpg

Skud and Ali
skud and Ali.jpg

skud happy.jpg

Not the only time that bike had to be carried today :whistle:
skud lifting.jpg

Speed blur :tongue:
speed blur.jpg

Cheers Skolly for the ride :thumbsup:
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Good turn out despite the weather, and hangovers.

Great pics.

Can you do a who is who from one of the group shots. Recognise most.

Didn't get out myself, been in the garage finishing a stables I was making for my daughters model horses. It's about 3 foot long by two foot high. Bikes now covered in sawdust. Got some raceblade longs on order so I can shoe horn them onto my Ribble 653. The clearances are tight, so is the toe overlap. Need to get the miles in now to make sure things heal up downstairs.
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