England : Greater Manchester New Years day ride around Mancunia

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Enjoy, and please look after Potsy (and keep him out of trouble) :tongue:
I like Skol

I like Skol

A Minging Manc...
... but it makes you look so much slimmer! Will you be wearing your cycling shoes with heels for that bit of extra height?
Heels THAT high are quite kinky!!!
Hi All,
If you don't mind i would like to join you tomorrow.
Definitely welcome, please join us for a lighthearted start to the year. It might rain but we don't care :thumbsup:

My younger brother is joining us and against my better judgement he has persuaded me to use the summer road bike because he's on his and that is all he has got. Lights are fitted and tyres pumped up ready to roll :becool:

Weather looks ok until dinner time and with my luck will hold all day *fingers crossed*
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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Have fun tomorrow you lot, and I hope to see some of you for a ride of mine at the end of March! :hello:
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