Off on holiday anywhere nice this year?

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Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
Taking the bikes down to Biarritz for a fortnight on a campsite. Looks like good surfing and not far from the Pyrenees, so have decided it'll be the MTBs. Might throw the wife and kids in as well. :whistle:


Cubist said:
Taking the bikes down to Biarritz for a fortnight on a campsite. Looks like good surfing and not far from the Pyrenees, so have decided it'll be the MTBs. Might throw the wife and kids in as well. :biggrin:

Camping Biarritz way is great, the surfing is usually pretty good in the summer too, reasonably managable for the kids.


pre-talced and mighty
Noodley said:
Going up to the far North of Scotland for a week to the most fabulous holiday house EVER. Sited on the headland. Here's a pic from our visit last year; not a bad view :biggrin:


Even better with a chilled glass of white, after a few miles cycling on far North hilly roads :biggrin:

And the week before, Mrs Noodley and I are heading off for a couple of days away without the kids for a bit of relaxation and doing nothing. :biggrin:
damn you, Noodley, you are a lucky man.

Trying to persuade the Babe that the bistro culture on Uist and Lewis makes a cycle tour an absolute neccessity.


Legendary Member
Will be going to Aberdeen to visit a few friends. Will take the ferry and drive there so I can see some of the country en-route. The Raleigh folder will be in the boot so I can do some cycling as well.
vernon said:
I break up from school on 17th July. I fly out to Turkey with my family on 18th July. We return to Leeds on 2nd August. I set off for Brittany on 3rd August and arrive at St Malo on the morning of the 4th for a ride through Britanny to St Nazaire and a ride along the Loire valley to Beaune where I get picvk up on 17th August and decanted back in Leeds on 18th. Got eight or so days at home then I'm off to Solfest for bank holiday weekend...

Just remind me of your address again. We need a new dining table and chairs :biggrin:

Best not to be too specific with dates eh? I don't know where you live but I'd advise a little caution.


Piemaster said:
Just remind me of your address again. We need a new dining table and chairs ;)

Best not to be too specific with dates eh? I don't know where you live but I'd advise a little caution.

You can rob my place while I am away Pie Master, my bike will be at work and I have a 42 inch Sony Trinitron beast of a TV that I want out but cant lift the bloody thing had 6 months of osteopathy/physio appointments from carrying it with 2 other guys last time I moved.

The wife wants us to wait till it breaks before getting a bigger flat screen!
42" - with you there. I refused to decorate for as long s I could get away with it on the basis that I couldn't shift the 36" TV to paper behind it.
Bought a flat screen now though so the excuses ran out.


Vice Admiral
Uncle Mort said:
You can't just say that and not elaborate! Spill the beans, Speicher! ;)

I think we were supposed to be whale watching. The sea was very rough, and then got rougher and rougher. The boat (about forty foot long, IIRC), yawed and pitched and rolled mightily. We were all in survival suits, just in case we fell in the sea. I was on deck, holding tightly to the railings, and at one point I felt as if I was going to fall out of the boat, it must have been at a 45 degree angle or less (?) to the sea, or certainly felt like it.

When we got back to port, they decided it was too rough to let any more boats out. I think I saw half a tailfin, of whatever it was we were supposed to see.


Flim Flormally
We (GF, junior and me) are taking the coach to the northern tip of Denmark and then cycling back to Holland along the coast over four weeks.
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