One Heck of a Bank Holiday

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Failed Tech Bro
That's a bugger MacB. It can sometimes be as difficult to get out of a hospital as to get a bed in one sometimes. Here's hoping the swelling goes down and Mrs MacB can be home tomorrow.


MacBludgeon said:
Unbelievable, 2 hours wait and they've changed their minds, too much swelling so she's staying in.

I have no issues with not doing the full cast until swelling is down, just disappointed they got her hopes up.
Great - more time to do the vaccuuming, washing, ironing ..... ;):biggrin:

...... and getting the au pair hidden away :wacko:

You seem to be coping very well and great that you can work at home if required.

Good on you :biggrin:


Still wavin'
Ovver 'thill
MacB, just tuned in and seen this. Best wishes to Jane please. I had similar experience when I had the breaks pinned and plated, but they couldn't put a cast on for the best part of two weeks due to all the surrounding damage. I remember crying my eyes out with frustration at not being able to go home, so she must be feeling rotten now. Tell her to keep her chin up.


MacBludgeon said:
Jane's home, boys are delighted, so am I, not too steady on the crutches yet, but glad to be back.
Keep practicing and I'm sure you'll get the hang of them :biggrin:

Gosh - that was SO obvious :ohmy:
Hope Jane has a speedy convalescence :evil:
MacBludgeon said:
Jane's home, boys are delighted, so am I, not too steady on the crutches yet, but glad to be back.

Are the SPDs plastered into the cast?

Now this thread is useless without photographs MacB! Let's not forget how itchy it will get under the plaster either! And don't forget to hoover the stairs, and put a duster over the TV - it doesn't do itself you know! And make sure there is water to hand, and stop snoring because...:evil:

Hope all is well.
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